Sophie Turner 在谈论Taylor Swift把公寓借j给自己和自己的孩子的时候

"Taylor was an absolute hero to me this year, I’ve never been more grateful to anyone than I am for her [...]. She really has a heart of gold."

Right before the ceremony, completed the final quiz of assessment, it is the hardest quiz I've taken during 4 semesters study. I was listening to the principal's speech while reflecting on my MA study. I 've dreamed countless times of how I could pass it to graduate in my 1st semester. Right now, I sit in the conference hall, waiting for the moment I get honored on the stage. Everything is like occurred yesterday. all semesters are stressed out, but the past weeks are unimaginable, i can not believe i have done so many things. What satisfies me is that I organized them very well. 10 papers in the portfolio, innovative materials development, the two midterm quizzes, the mathematical calculation issues, group term paper, paper presentation and final quiz. meanwhile, i completed tesol capstone, hpu capstone symposium, published my research paper, presentation at hawaii tesol conference, all the rehearsals, did two campus jobs, once worked at 6 am, supported 3 Spotlight events of visiting international students attending schools in Denmark, South Korea, and Japan. I can't believe it while I am typing all this stuff. Without all the HPU Tesol faculty, I could not reach my destination. With all their constant corrections, professional inspiration, encouragement, "du, you can, you can be me," i am not who i was 2 years ago. There is so much need to say, in a word, the two years studying experience I would never forget in the rest of life, the best way to return to them is to apply what I 've learned into a real life situation. just checked out the transcript before post, 3 A 4 A- 5 B+. Life is like this. I have suffered so much unfairness based on the fact that I was born and raised in mainland china, what is estimable is that I hold the righteous value and do never give in, but pursue till the last breath of my life. i think it might be one of my charming that distinguishes me from mainland chinese people today and an obvious merit that tesol faculty appreciate

I would like to express my admiration for the Hong Kong scammer.

I've never met a more lovable and determined villain. I don't know if your profession has a review book?

I'd love to give you 5⭐️ out of 5⭐️.

Show it to your boss (if you have one), have them give you a bonus

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