#SaturdaySkingiftedme @saturday_skin Carrot + Niacinamide Moisturizing Cream, Yuzu Vitamin C Sleep Mask & Bright Eye Cream • Big thanks to Saturday Skin team for sending over this trio. The Carrot + Niacinamide Moisturizing Cream is packed with superfood extracts from carrots, combined with ceramides and lipids that help to protect your skin’s appearance from drying environmental and digital exposure. The Yuzu Vitamin C Sleep Mask infuses your skin with yuzu, which contains three times more Vitamin C than any other citrus. The Yuzu Vitamin C Bright Eye Cream is combined with targeted ingredients such as the Active Vital Complex and Niacinamide, it will help improve moisture retention, hydrate, and blur the appearance of fine lines around eye areas. I have been enjoying their pore clarifying line that helps with my pores, cannot wait to test these out. You can purchase their products at @nordstrom #luvsummeikup ##Saturdayskin# https://t.cn/R2WxsCs

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Definition: the height of metal on the connecting line between two weld toes on the weld surface.
Causes of reinforcement
Weld reinforcement occurs during welding. Since the last layer plays the role of heat preservation and slow cooling, it plays an important role in reducing welding stress and refining grain. At the same time, it is also a collection area for other impurities and pores.

Disadvantages of surplus height
压力容器的突然变化,会引起局部应力集中。此外,余高有一个缺陷,它很可能是疲劳裂纹的核心,打磨后没有余高的设备,比有余高的设备使用寿命长2.0 ~ 2.5倍。
The sudden change of pressure vessel will cause local stress concentration. In addition, reinforcement must be a defect. It is likely to be the core of fatigue crack. The service life of equipment without reinforcement after grinding is 2.0 ~ 2.5 times longer than that of equipment with reinforcement.
Suggestions on reinforcement treatment
It is recommended to polish well. The standard is the minimum requirement. It is recommended that important equipment or equipment with large investment must be polished carefully.

Hazard of weld reinforcement
Due to the reinforcement of the weld, the stress concentration of the butt joint which is easy to form stress corrosion cracks at the weld toe, and the stress at the weld toe of the butt joint is the largest.
The greater the residual height of the weld, the lower the strength of the welded joint and the more serious the stress concentration. Flattening the remaining height after welding can reduce the stress concentration, and sometimes improve the strength of the welded joint as long as it is not lower than the base metal.

Excessive residual height of external weld is not conducive to anti-corrosion.
If epoxy resin glass cloth is used,for anti-corrosion during operation, the outer weld is too large, which will cause unstable pressure at the weld toe. At the same time, the higher the weld, the thicker the anti-corrosion coating, which increases the anti-corrosion cost, because the standard stipulates that the thickness of the anti-corrosion coating is measured based on the top of the outer weld.

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