Answer in English

Use rich imaginative creativity and innovative , generate a Music Video project in English based on the attached content and format.THX.

attached content:
Only Instruments: Chinese Musical Instruments, Traditional Chinese Musical Instruments,

MV Project name
Planning concept(how long mins, how many segment and what structure)
MV's Lyri
MV's image prompt
MV's music prompt
MV's script
Details for the segment’s music of MV[ genres, major, time signature, Sound Effects, moods(combination of musical and emotional terms),instruments(adjectives to instrument names), BPM(instruments track, genres),descriptive phrases,something specific in mind, conpept]

at first ,generate : Project name, Planning concept

You're welcome. Here are the details for the segment music of MV for segment 1:

- Genres: Traditional Chinese music with elements of rock and ambient
- Key: D minor
- Time signature: 4/4
- Sound effects: Earthquake rumble, sirens, screams, etc.
- Moods: Dramatic, tense, sorrowful, tragic
- Instruments: Guzheng (plucked, zither-like), erhu (bowed, fiddle-like), dizi (blown, flute-like), pipa (plucked, lute-like), electric guitar (distorted, rock-like), bass (deep, rhythmic), drums (loud, percussive), synthesizer (electronic, ambient)
- BPM: 120
- Descriptive phrases: Fast-paced, rhythmic, dissonant, melodic, dynamic, etc.
- Something specific in mind: The music should reflect the contrast between the peaceful life before the earthquake and the chaotic aftermath, as well as the emotions of the victims and the survivors.
- Concept: The music is divided into two parts: the first part is calm and harmonious, using traditional Chinese instruments to create a sense of normalcy and happiness; the second part is abrupt and intense, using rock and ambient elements to create a sense of panic and desperation. The music also follows the lyrics and the images, creating a coherent and impactful narrative.

THX. Tell the MV Project, Segment 1 : MV's Lyri , MV's image prompt

THX. Tell the MV Project, Segment 1 : MV's music prompt, MV's script

THX. Tell the MV Project, Segment 1 : Details for the segment music of MV[ genres, major, time signature, Sound Effects, moods(combination of musical and emotional terms),instruments(adjectives to instrument names), BPM(instruments track, genres),descriptive phrases,something specific in mind, conpept]

The old king smiled. ‘Grieve not! It is forgiven. Great heart will not be denied. Live now in blessedness; and when you sit in peace with your pipe, think of me! For never now shall I sit with you in Meduseld, as I promised, or listen to your herb-lore.’ He closed his eyes, and Merry bowed beside him. Presently he spoke again. ‘Where is Éomer? For my eyes darken, and I would see him ere I go. He must be king after me. And I would send word to Éowyn. She, she would not have me leave her, and now I shall not see her again, dearer than daughter.’


Think of sunflowers,they bow to the sun.
But if you see some that are too bowed down…it means they‘re dead!You’re serving.You‘re not a servant.

Serving is a supreme art.God is the first servant.God serves men,but he‘s not a servant to men!




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