“My Portuguese friends taught me that you have to first recognize their humanity,” says Wilson.
“And you do this by saying, ‘Good morning. How are you?’ And they say, ‘I’m well. Are you well?’ And once you’ve done that, it’s like a magic key that will open good service up to you.”
Wilson goes on to explain that she finds this attitude refreshing, as the focus is firmly on people and personal relationships.
“Their ethic is not job first, or money first,” she adds. “Their ethic is family and leisure…
“So that’s refreshing, to see people valuing relationships above the rat race. The rat died here. There’s no place for that.”

in addition 此外;of course 当然;for instance / example 例如
strictly speaking 严格地说;generally speaking 一般来说
judging from... 根据……判断;that is 也就是说;it seems 看来是
in fact / as a matter of fact 事实上;needless to say 不用说
strange to say 说也奇怪;to tell the truth 老实说
in a few words / in sum / in short 简而言之;to sum up 概括地说

#统招专升本[超话]# #山东专升本[超话]# #专升本[超话]# #专升本英语[超话]#

I was so happy to see many friends again from last time, I really missed the fun times together and had just as great an experience this time. Unfortunately I missed seeing a few people but I won't leave it too long before next time. I made new friends too who I can't wait to see again

Just as on the last trip ota and idols have been far too kind to me to invite me to eat and play, help me with things such as tickets and transport and to make the effort to communicate in english/japanese. I'm so grateful for the kindness I've been shown and really don't deserve to have come to know such wonderful people ❤️

I tried to be more social this time but am still super shy [委屈] I recognised a lot of faces from Weibo that I wanted to meet but was too shy to go say hi to. I lifted and surfed more than last time but still didn't play as much as I wanted, especially with MIX

Thanks for the best week of memories! I forgot to take pictures (steal a few from wb [亲亲]) and say goodbyes to many friends but see you again soon yea [haha][心]

发布     👍 0 举报 写留言 🖊   
  • 可是,我却看着你的眼泪一而再再而三的为他流,如果不是他,我还不知道你其实也是个爱哭的女子,只是因为以前没有遇到让你流泪的人罢了。与其纠缠,不如给爱放生,我等你,
  • 也许对你依旧有爱,可我知道,我必须先爱自己。你喜欢好的我还是坏的我?
  • 行莫于恭敬,善莫于用心。 行莫于恭敬,善莫于用心。
  • 小寶貝~11年前的今天,我們看好時間也準備好了,所以妳在我們期待下出生,爸爸、姐姐及全家人都非常開心,剛出生時有點被嚇到,怎麼這麼男生的樣貌,還好是個女生個性,
  • 11. 握得越紧落空的越快—— 爱情中的「墨菲定律」12. 要以对方喜好的体式格局爱对方,偶然你自以为爱对方的行动,实在是在知足本身的愿望。18. 在爱情早期,
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  • !!
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  • 景点名:那须花卉世界地址:枥木县那须郡那须町大字丰原丙字那须道下5341-1值得看:顾名思义,花卉世界,主角是各种花花这里的花期很长,从5月的郁金香、蓝粉蝶花到
  • 这是汉传佛教里面最深的逻辑,你不参你永远不会体会到,你要是真正念念去参念念回光、念念不断在内心之中熟悉时,你将来会在一切差别的意念当前,你会发现有一个能明白差别
  • 【安乐哲:礼义在,有廉耻】儒家“角色伦理”根本地、一贯地讲的是具体情况下具体人的行为。因为圣人总是注重修心,他们知行完备、至德至善,往往成为凡夫俗子的言行标准。
  • 在您的悉心教导下我也成长了许多,懂事了许多。在您的悉心教导下我也成长了许多,懂事了许多。
  • 我的520过的并不开心hh和老师聊完之后感觉更迷茫了,我一直觉得在这个阶段选择比努力重要很多,所以很怕自己选的不顺意,虽然选什么可能都会后悔吧,但是还是想尽力去
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  • 刚才我鹅子迷迷糊糊的喊“妈妈,妈妈,…”一声接着一声,喊的我心都化了,虽然睡得迷糊,但在我回应他后小家伙就不喊了等着妈妈来给他喂奶了,人类幼崽也太可爱了[抱一抱
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