-- ?

Fox 2s (IR guided missiles) are meant for dogfights. They have limited range and come with the capability of being launched at high off bore sight with the help of Helmet mounted systems.

Today's aircraft have advanced flares which can mimicry the temperatures of aircraft engine in order to fool much smarter missiles along with the use of directional infrared countermeasures (DIRCM) which shines a laser on the IR seeker head to scram the IR guidance.

But there are three effective strategies used during dogfights to lessen the effectiveness of IR guided missiles:

Jamming the WEZ: Weapon Engagement Zone (WEZ) is the distance between the minimum and the maximum range where a weapon can be effectively deployed. If the distance can be closed so much so that the aircraft is far inside the minimum range of launch (min ranging), a launch would be useless as it is inside the minimum range of firing.

Smaller Turn radius (One Circle): One Circle is a nose to nose fight where both the aircraft try to get into the control zone of each other. Pulling a tighter smaller turn radius than that of the bandit in this situation gives an offensive advantage of getting a weapons solution faster while defensively denies the bandit a weapons solution as the nose hasn't come around fast enough.

Make the Sun your best friend: Sun is a far better IR source than your engine. If you manage to keep your back to the Sun, high probability is that the missile won't have a track.

All these have to be done while keeping in mind that the separation between two aircraft should be kept at a minimum, making sure that you are out of the enemy's nose (to avoid a gun solution) in combination with jinking and anticipatory pre launch of flares.

The summer's wild,
And I've been waiting for you all this time,
I adore you, can't you see, you're meant for me?
Summer's hot but I've been cold without you,
I was so wrong not to tell, Medellín, tangerine dreams,
Salvatore can wait,
Now it's time to eat soft ice cream,

[DEU中文] Kebab, a globally recognized dish, originated in the Middle East and Turkey. It's famous for its flavorful combination of grilled meat, typically lamb or chicken, served with vegetables, sauces, and bread. Historically, kebab traces back thousands of years, believed to have been created by medieval Turkish soldiers who grilled meat over open flames. The meat is seasoned with various spices and herbs, then skewered and grilled to perfection. Kebab's popularity stems from its delicious taste, portability, and versatility, making it a beloved street food in many cultures worldwide.
This term originates from the Persian word "کباب‎" (Kebab), which originally meant "grilled meat." Are you a fan of kebabs?
烤肉串,是一道全球公認的菜餚,起源於中東和土耳其。 它以烤製的肉類(通常是羊肉或雞肉)與蔬菜、醬料和麵包的美味組合而聞名。 歷史上,烤肉串可以追溯到數千年前,據信是由中世紀的土耳其士兵發明的,他們將肉串在明火上烤製而成。 肉類經過多種香料和草藥的調味,然後串起來烤製至完美。 烤肉串之所以受到歡迎,是因為它美味可口、便於攜帶、多用途,在世界許多文化中都是受人喜愛的街頭食品。
Kebab, ein weltweit bekanntes Gericht, hat seinen Ursprung im Nahen Osten und in der Türkei. Es ist berühmt für seine würzige Kombination aus gegrilltem Fleisch, typischerweise Lamm oder Huhn, serviert mit Gemüse, Saucen und Brot. Historisch gesehen reicht die Geschichte des Kebabs Tausende von Jahren zurück und wird oft den mittelalterlichen türkischen Soldaten zugeschrieben, die Fleisch über offenen Flammen grillten. Das Fleisch wird mit verschiedenen Gewürzen und Kräutern gewürzt, dann aufgespießt und perfekt gegrillt. Die Beliebtheit des Kebabs rührt von seinem köstlichen Geschmack, seiner Portabilität und Vielseitigkeit her und macht ihn zu einem beliebten Straßenessen in vielen Kulturen weltweit.
Dieser Begriff stammt vom persischen Wort "کباب‎" (Kebab) ab, was ursprünglich "gegrilltes Fleisch" bedeutete. Sind Sie ein Fan von Kebabs?

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