特朗普Hush Money案件庭审第五周(第16天),好戏开场。
A longtime attorney of the former president before he occupied the Oval Office, Cohen had been one of Trump’s closest allies, famously pledging years ago that he would “take a bullet” for his then-boss.
The relationship deteriorated after the start of Trump’s presidency, and broke down fully in public view after Cohen released a recording in which he and Trump can be heard discussing how they would buy the rights to former Playboy model Karen McDougal’s story about an alleged affair she had with Trump years earlier, which Trump denies.
Cohen later provided dramatic testimony to a House committee about Trump’s involvement in the hush-money scheme involving both McDougal and Daniels, who also alleges Trump had an affair with her.

看到宝宝生病不舒服,我心都碎了。我以前觉得他有时候很烦人。这一刻,我太害怕失去他,宁愿自己承受。宝贝,妈妈,你健康快乐。It broke my heart to see the baby sick and uncomfortable. I used to think he was annoying sometimes. At this moment, I am so afraid of losing him that I would rather bear it myself. Baby, mom, you are healthy and happy.

特朗普Hush Money案件庭审第五周(第16天),压轴Michael Cohen闪亮登场。
Davidson recalled under questioning from Steinglass that after Trump was elected in 2016, he got a call in December from a “very despondent and saddened” Cohen.
“He said something to the effect of: ‘Jesus Christ. Can you f**ing believe I’m not going to Washington? After everything I’ve done for that f**ing guy. I can’t believe I’m not going to Washington. I’ve saved that guy’s a** so many times, you don’t even know.’”
Others who didn’t interact with Cohen as much as Davidson didn’t have much better things to say. Jeff McConney, the former Trump Organization controller, was asked what Cohen’s position was at the company.
“He said he was a lawyer,” McConney responded.
“Did he work in the legal department?” asked prosecutor Matthew Colangelo.
“I guess so,” McConney said derisively.
And Hicks, who worked at the Trump Organization before becoming a key aide on the 2016 campaign, described to jurors how Cohen – Trump’s fixer – was prone to inflate his influence on the campaign.
“There were times where Mr. Cohen did things that you felt were not helpful to what you were trying to accomplish, right?” Bove asked Trump’s 2016 campaign press secretary.
“Yes,” Hicks responded. “I used to say that he liked to call himself ‘a fixer’ or ‘Mr. Fix It,’ and it was only because he first broke it that he was able to come and fix it.”

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