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Educational Psychology in the Next 30 Years (1)

By Simon Kam Keung Chow, P.D.,Advance Certificate in Urban Psychology, M.Phil, M A. M.Ed (Columbia University) B. A. (Ottawa University) is an education commentator, former director of the International Institute of Psychological Testing (2011-2022), former Chief Educational Psychologist at the Echizen Center for Education and Psychological Counseling (2003-2015), and former master's supervisor in the Department of Psychological Counseling at the University of South Australia (1998-2005).

What will be the application and development of educational psychology in the next thirty years? In the past two decades, the development of educational psychology in both the East and the West has placed great emphasis on the study of learning theories. In the next thirty years, the author predicts that research in learning psychology will be mixed with theories from the connectionist cognitive school and the humanistic school. Front line personnel, including school psychologists, counselors, and teachers, are likely to use a compromise system of classroom teaching and coaching methods based on personal professional knowledge, student reactions, external conditions, emotional attitudes, internal processes, and internal conditions to help students from different cultures and learning backgrounds.

I have worked as an educational psychologist for 27 years. After graduating from the Master's program in Educational Psychology in 1993, I worked as a psychologist at Bayside 81 Elementary School (Multiple Disability Special Education) in New York City, USA, where I had contact with many children who were in great need of special education. In those years, under the supervision of the Special Education Group in New York City, I learned about the special education system in the United States and found that there are many aspects of the system that China can learn from in terms of targeting and systematization. The New York City Special Education system is managed by the New York City Board of Education, providing special education for students aged 3-12 with special needs. Every student receiving special education will undergo a comprehensive evaluation by the Education Bureau and develop a Personalized Education Program (IEP) for them. The special education provided by the Education Bureau is completely free of charge to students, and the IEP is valid for one year. The Education Bureau regularly evaluates students every year and renews, adjusts, or cancels the IEP based on the evaluation results. All public schools must reserve a certain proportion of degrees for students with disabilities. At present, the New York City Department of Education is
still exploring the use of connected education.

In the next thirty years, I believe that a compromise system of classroom teaching and tutoring methods will become mainstream, and special education teachers will be more adaptable, teaching according to the physical condition of disabled students, and arranging rehabilitation training reasonably based on their recovery situation.

The flower’s manner is playful and girlish.(单体红山茶:山茶科山茶属,又名:美人茶,学名:Camellia uraku,原产日本。常绿灌木至小乔木。叶革质,椭圆形或长圆形,先端短急尖,基部楔形,边缘有略钝的细锯齿;花常1-2朵着生于小枝最上部的叶腋,半开或漏斗状;花粉红色或白色,无柄,花瓣7片,基部连生;雄蕊2-3轮,外轮花丝连合成筒;花期:12月至翌年4月,是最早开放的山茶之一。《寻访千利休》中提道山茶:“既不铺陈华丽,也不追求刻意的简素与枯冷、制造那种浅薄的闲寂。既非樱花般的娇艳,也非寒山般的冷萎枯淡”,“在这光辉而坚韧的生命之中,孕育着珍贵的美的源泉”。)

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