

Culture is the soul of a city, and as an ancient city, Xi'an in China has a history and cultural heritage of three thousand years. Coming to Xi'an, wanting to experience the cultural charm of Xi'an.


DAY 1 永兴坊→大雁塔→陕西历史博物馆
     DAY 2 华清池-兵马俑-钟楼、鼓楼
     DAY 3 壶口瀑布-轩辕黄帝陵
     DAY 4 返程

DAY 1 Yongxingfang → Big Wild Goose

Pagoda → Shaanxi History Museum

DAY 2 Huaqing Pool - Terracotta Warriors -

Bell Tower, Drum Tower

DAY 3 Hukou Waterfall - Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor Mausoleum

DAY 4 Return trip#西安旅游[超话]#



Pita bread soaked in Lamb Soup is a traditional delicacy in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. It is finely cooked, with heavy ingredients and mellow taste. The meat is rotten and the soup is thick, fat and not greasy.


Beef balls with spicy soup, a very popular traditional food, is also one of the representatives of Xi'an snacks. It is a delicacy composed of rich hot paste soup, fresh and juicy beef balls, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beef granules, beans and other ingredients, with rich taste and flavor.


Qinzhen Liangpi is also one of the representatives of Xi'an snacks. It is a delicacy composed of soft and delicate Liangpi, delicious side dishes and unique condiments。


Jia San's soup dumplings are known for their delicious soup and soft skin. There are various flavors of filling for soup dumplings, including beef, lamb, three fresh ingredients, and vegetarian filling.

5月11日,董宇辉与霍启刚在香港相见,临分别时,董宇辉用英文说,“stay in touch(保持联系)”,霍启刚回了一句:“电话说,我有微信”,董宇辉马上又说:“Welcome to Xi’an(欢迎到西安做客)”,霍启刚用普通话回应:“好,好,谢谢!”这次会面多半是初步沟通,下一次与辉同行到访香港时的活动安排,以及直播间采访霍启刚的事宜。

Chico wanted to introduce me to one of his favourite xiao long bao restaurants so I broke the rule of never eat before the live! The best meal of the trip, once again Chico is the most outstanding citizen of Shanghai [哇]

Just the presence of JP groups in the lineup seems to add so much excitement in the crowd. Jiemei seems extremely popular among chinese ota and they delivered, generally they are not my style but I really like a select few songs. Magmaz is just non-stop hype and I love it!!! I didn't know the members but Haluka drew me in with such strong stage presence. Loved to see 7S back on the big stage again too.

I made sure to get an Aussie ota expedition photo with brother Xi on our last day together [酷][爱你]

I decided to pack nice clothes for the trip and when I saw that 7S cheki was private clothes I took the opportunity. Once Qiako stepped back onto the stage for the live photo I knew I had made a great decision

I feel like I wasted the opportunity a bit as all black doesn't show well and I'm no good at posing. I wanted some candid chekis for the first time but I think I turned out looking more sad instead maybe ahahahah?

I think I don't feel comfortable trying to do this kind of pose intentionally and it's better to focus on taking happy chekis and letting these kinds come about naturally. Many things to improve for next time but I wonder if there will ever be an opportunity to take such nice chekis again [可怜]

I also got group cheki and was happy to see the other members again. I actually bought tokens for every member but never got time to use them [悲伤][伤心]

While in line I took a photo with my strongest gachi rival [并不简单] I've always been intimidated by their ability to treat Qiako so wonderfully, but after talking and seeing them play I'm happy that Qiako has such a great person in her idol life [握手][爱你]

After the live, ota brought me to yakiniku downstairs. When I got there it turned out the entire restaurant was just ota [晕] I felt tired and was not so talkative, I think I even started drifting to sleep at the table [汗] All I remember was karasu's crazy two steps and managing to buy the ultima final live ticket for the next day (thankyou once again for your help [可怜])

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