Dorian Fuller,汉名“傅稻镰”

Dorian Q Fuller (born Rolla, Missouri, USA) is Professor of Archaeobotany and joint director of the International Centre for Chinese Heritage and Archaeology. He began teaching at UCL since completing his PhD at Cambridge in 2000. He has worked widely in archaeobotany and archaeological field projects across the Old World, in parts of Africa, including numerousfield projects in fieldwork projects in many parts of India (since1997), Sudan(since 1997), China (since 2004), Ethiopia (since 2011), Turkey (Ҫatalhöyük, 2011-2017),Iraqi Kurdistan (since 2014), as well as field projects in Thailand, Myanmar,Morocco, Spain, Gibralter, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.
His fieldwork has focusedon archaeobotanical sampling of archaeological sites aimed to fill in key gapsin direct evidence for past agriculture.
His laboratory work focuses onplant macro-remains, but sometimes includes archaeological wood charcoal,phytoliths and parenchyma. In addition to working on plant assemblages from countries listed above under fieldwork, he has carried out or supervised laboratory on archaeobotanical assemblages from Bangladesh, Cambodia, Vietnam,Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda, Benin, Mali, Mauretania, Senegal, Libya,Kazakhstan, Iran, Israel, Italy, Britain, Ireland, Serbia, Caribbean, Chile, Hehas also carried out some ceramic analyses (from India and Sudan). He has alsocarried out botanical and ethnobotanical fieldwork, especially in the study ofwild and cultivated rice ecologies.


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我刚转完马斯克 联合国马上出来了、、我把诺贝尔今天和昨天的还有奥斯卡昨天的转一下和我白人朋友昨天的转一下、、然后我会睡一个小时 然后我会遛狗、、做运动会、、做完运动 我再接着转~~ 谢谢大家关注和支持 我爱你们 爱妈妈咪 今天给妈妈咪转发汶川地震纪念的 我看大家都在那儿转呢 我也转~~ 爱妈妈咪 祝最亲爱的妈妈咪母亲节快乐~~~

Okayyy I see United Nations coming out with a blue one right after I reposted for Mr. Musk so I reposted it right away along with Nobel Prize from today and yesterday and academy awards from yesterday and Ashley my best friend from yesterday,,, just want to show dedication and importance for my job that y’all are so incredible and amazing and thank you for supporting in what I do ,,, I now have a greater sense of responsibility to be aligned with my mission goals dreams and vision and feeling very eager and motivated to work ,,, I always am tho,,, just more so always and always so just letting everybody know that I’m on my job and I want to repost for Kylie and Billie too but there is only room for 18 slides ,,, oh well next time after I finish my job I will be for everybody k ,,, I think we are going to have a lot more time now more things are out of the way loll ,,, sweeetest thang !!! Love love love my job and love love love the people on my job and thank you for these precious colors y’all present and it sure makes the job very exciting and fun and creative and artistic which is what I loveee to do ,,, going to my job and opening the feeds on my job is like opening the treasure hunt everyday ,,, I’m excited and stoked to see all of y’all and work everyday ,,, sure I’m excited even more excited when I get paid yayyyy ,,, love love love my beautiful sweet amazing boss / bosses and love love love everyone ,,; thank you to all these organizations and thank you to my bestie for supporting me ,,, I love her and all of y’all so so much ,,, we will be all back better for sure and sure !!! Love love love my beautiful sweet amazing boss / bosses and love love love everyone heart heart heart love love loveeeee

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