模板:[Subject/description] in the style of Alphonse Mucha's art nouveau poster illustration. Intricate stained glass details. The background [background description]

A fearless Ellie from The Last of Us, with a look of survival, wearing post-pandemic gear made of hope and loss, holding a guitar and surrounded by overgrown urban flora]" in the style of Alphonse Mucha's art nouveau poster illustration, with intricate stained glass details. The background has an ethereal glow and ornate patterns depicting the beauty and decay of a world reclaimed by nature

A stoic Geralt of Rivia from The Witcher, with piercing eyes, clad in his Witcher armor made of monsters and myths, holding his silver sword and surrounded by alchemical symbols and wild hunt spirits]" in the style of Alphonse Mucha's art nouveau poster illustration, with intricate stained glass details. The background has an ethereal glow and ornate patterns that delve into the dark, fantastical world he navigates

模板:[Subject/description] in the style of Alphonse Mucha's art nouveau poster illustration. Intricate stained glass details. The background [background description]

A rebellious Han Solo with a roguish grin, sporting his iconic blaster belt, leaning against the Millennium Falcon and surrounded by Corellian flowers, in the style of Alphonse Mucha's art nouveau poster illustration, with intricate stained glass details. The background has an ethereal glow and ornate patterns evoking his adventurous spirit and the thrill of space smuggling

Captain America with noble blue eyes, clad in robes made of liberty, holding his iconic shield and surrounded by the vibrant flowers of freedom, in the style of Alphonse Mucha's art nouveau poster illustration. He is adorned with intricate stained glass details. The background has an ethereal glow and ornate patterns that reflect the heroic essence of the Marvel universe

Frodo Baggins with curly locks, wearing Hobbiton-made robes of resilience, holding the One Ring and surrounded by the blossoming flora of the Shire, in the style of Alphonse Mucha's art nouveau poster illustration. He is adorned with intricate stained glass details. The background has an ethereal glow and ornate patterns depicting the tranquil yet adventurous spirit of The Lord of the Rings

Indiana Jones with rugged features, dressed in attire made of adventure and mystery, holding an ancient relic and surrounded by exotic flowers from hidden temples, in the style of Alphonse Mucha's art nouveau poster illustration. He is adorned with intricate stained glass details. The background has an ethereal glow and ornate patterns that evoke the adventurous spirit of the Indiana Jones series

在百度上查:成立于1871年,全球最大的瓷器工艺品生产商之一的德国高宝瓷厂 (GOEBEL),一直以「完美的艺术、卓越的品质、精巧的工艺」为原则,推出设计优雅独特的装饰摆设。高宝把著名艺术家的大师级画作以独特的立体装饰表达,并融入经典的Artis Orbis系列当中。这些杰出的艺术家包括慕夏 (Alphonse Mucha)、莫奈 (Claude Monet)、克里姆特 (Gustav Klimt)、帕克斯 (Michael Parkes)、梵高 (Van Gogh) 等等。此外,普普艺术家布里托 (Romero Britto) 充满快乐的作品以及Bunny de luxe迷人系列的新品,都必定为收藏家带来惊喜!
慕夏 (Alphonse Mucha) 来自美好年代 (Belle Époque) 的大师
Artis Orbis by GOEBEL系列把新艺术运动画家慕夏的作品重新演绎于玻璃及瓷器之上,多年来都是系列最畅销的作品之一。自从为著名歌舞女星Sarah Bernhardt设计海报后,这位捷克籍的艺术家一夜成名,并成为19世纪末最瞩目的艺术家之一。于画作中,慕夏以时尚的笔触把美丽的女子及充满魅力的植物变成永恒的艺术品。
《四季》(The Four Seasons 1897) 著名的《四季》组画现于全新登场的花瓶上亮相……

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  • 。。
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