Dear, look at the beautiful lake in front of my house. This sofa was bought with my mother's money. It only takes about ten meters to walk from the sofa to my yard. The scenery is very beautiful, isn't it? I sit on the sofa every day before work, thinking of you. You need to recover quickly


A few weeks should have passed by the time you read this. If you followed the instruction, you'll be in the Paris on one of those chairs that never sit quiet level on the pavement. I hope it's still sunny. Across the bridge to your right hand you will see L'Artsan Parfumeur. You should try the scent called Papillons Extreme. I always did think it would smell great on you. There are a few things I want to say and couldn't. Because you would have got all emotional and you wouldn't have let me finish. So,here it is. When your get back home, Michael Lawler will give you access to a bank account that contains enough to give you a new beginning. Don't start panicking. It's not enough for you to sit around for the rest of your life. But it should buy your freedom. At least from that little town we both call home.

Live boldly, Clark. Push yourself. Don't settle.

Wear those stripy legs with pride. Knowing you still have possibilities is a luxury.

Knowing I might have given them to you has eased something for me. So,is it.

You are scored on my heart, Clark. You were from the first day you walked in with your sweet smile and your ridiculous clothes. And your bad jokes and your complete inability to ever hide a single thing your felt.

Don't think of me too often. I don't want you getting sad.

Just live well.

Just live.

I'll be walking beside you every step of the way.


training diary)

p1: 【帕梅拉 - 12分钟劈叉拉伸| 基础到进阶 深度拉伸 提高髋部灵活性 (Pamela Reif Ofiicial)-哔哩哔哩】

p2: stretch hips, 60 seconds*5.

p3: child's pose, 30 seconds.

p4: cobra pose, 30 seconds*2.

p5: glutes, for 30 times*3, with band.
glutes, each side for 30 times, with band.

p6: work out inner thighs, 30 times*3.

p7: 【10分钟矫正小腿外翻,get直长腿,亲测一周见效!【韩小四April】-哔哩哔哩】

p8: work out winging scapula, 20 times*4, with band.

p9: work out back, 20 times*2, with band.

p10: sit on toes, 60 times.

p11: side lunge, each side for 50 times.

i'm feeling so sleepy this afternoon, and actually i don't feel that i was able to do training today, but my body is fine, i mean no pain or extremely sore, and i've rested yesterday, so i think i would do something gentle, but well, they are not that gentle~

and i sweated a lot, because the weather is hot, that helps me with sweating much and that's good~
hahahah [哈哈][good]

so far?
then good night and love~

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