


️|演出日期: 2024年3月16日(星期六)
|門票售價:港幣HKD / 澳門幣MOP $1388/$988/$788
️|經紀公司:Billent Entertainment

廣星傳訊 - https://t.cn/hbzWkr
大麥 - https://t.cn/RhJTbtX


- 詳情請留意主辦方公告.
- 主辦方保留活動異動之權利.
- 福利中獎名單將於活動前一天公佈.


WOORINFan benefit update announcement
We try our best to upsate the Fan benefit The updated part as the red words below in the image.
Do you want to take 1:1 photo with Yerin?‍♀️
Do you want to get the signed polaroid ?‍♀️

16th March we’ll wait for you at H853 Entertainment Place, Lisboeta Macau.


️|Show Date:16th March 2024 (Sat)
|Show Time:7PM
|Show Venue : H853 Entertainment Place, Lisboeta Macau
|Ticket Price:HKD / MOP $1,388 / $988 / $788
|Organizer:WanXing Entertainment
️|Management:Billent Entertainment

|Ticket Link:
Macau Ticketing - https://t.cn/hbzWkr
Damai - https://t.cn/RhJTbtX

Public Sale!
Time:From 12:00 PM , February 20, 2024 (Tue) sales on Macau ticketing and Damai

- Please refer to WanXing Entertainment for further notice and information.
- The organizer reserves the right to change the event.
- Benefit Winners List will be announced the day before the event.

#예린 #YERIN #WOORIN_I @every__nn


这个可以说是我团过的东西里被催的坠频繁的东西之一!(因为真的就是试过立 竿 见 影的有 效!比如说有姐妹和我说7天瘦了4斤!还有整个人肉眼可见消 肿啥啥啥的!所以基本上都是买了又买买了又买!

我是长期爱吃冰又脾虚所以很容易肿,还容易昏昏沉沉没精神没力气;太后是湿气重到后背长痘痘还会湿 疹的程度;我妈湿气重体现在手脚冰凉、爱出虚汗…我们各有各的湿气法…

我家很多年前本来只有我妈就在吃这个,最早还得去h k买,现在我妈、我妹妹、我、还有太后,我们家各个都在吃的类型(这个世界上到底有没有人没有湿气啊啊啊啊!!!!

本来想给你们截图大家的好!评!但是因为太多了截不完!我说再多不如你们自己try一try!!吃完真的很有用!!! 就是我感觉吧,我长期吃下来消 肿啊控制体重啊提高精气神啊气色变好啊都会有!!!我按头安!利!!!公主们请试!!!!

tell image style background clothes etc details, if want to draw like the image ,give text to image prompt

The image you uploaded has a mystical and enigmatic style, characterized by a dark, moody atmosphere illuminated by ethereal light sources. To draw something similar, you might consider using a text-to-image prompt like "A mysterious figure surrounded by glowing magical symbols and intricate designs, seated amidst broken glass under the moonlight."

- **Mysterious Figure:** An individual wearing a formal attire including a coat, sitting in an enigmatic pose. The face is not visible.
- **Glowing Symbols:** Magical or mystical symbols glow around the figure adding to the mystique of the scene.
- **Broken Glass:** Shattered glass pieces are scattered around suggesting some form of intense event or power emanation.
- **Floral Designs:** Intricate floral patterns are visible in the background adding an element of elegance and mystery.

I hope this helps you understand the image better and inspires you to create your own.

The image you uploaded is a digital artwork that features a character in an elegant and fantastical setting. The character is wearing formal, stylish clothing, surrounded by white doves and an ornate, golden mechanical structure. To create a similar image, you would need to focus on the following elements:

- **Background:** A dreamy and ethereal atmosphere with soft lighting.
- **Character Clothing:** Formal attire with intricate details and accessories.
- **Additional Elements:** White doves flying around and mechanical golden structures to add a fantastical touch.

If I need to draw this image, I would focus on blending realism with fantasy elements, paying close attention to the lighting and details to create an otherworldly effect. Here is a possible text to image prompt for this image:

`A character in a formal coat with intricate designs stands in the center of the image, holding a sword or wand that emits light. Behind the character, a large golden mechanical structure with gears and ornaments looms over the scene. White doves fly around the character, creating a contrast between the natural and the artificial. The background is a soft blue with a hint of purple, creating a dreamy and magical mood.`

I hope this helps you with your drawing.

The image style is a blend of fantasy and realism, featuring a person in formal attire surrounded by ethereal elements. The background is dark and mysterious, with a large mystical wheel structure encircling the scene. The clothes are intricately designed with floral patterns and embroidery. If you want to draw something like the image, you could use this text to image prompt:

A person in an ornately designed suit sits amidst a magical aura, surrounded by glowing fish and mystical structures, embodying a blend of reality and fantasy.


The image you uploaded has a mystical and celestial style, characterized by a dark background adorned with stars and glowing elements. To create a similar image, you would need to incorporate elements like:

- A dark, space-like background with stars and celestial bodies.
- Glowing text in a foreign script or artistic font to add an element of mystery.
- Incorporate characters or objects with a soft glow to make them stand out against the dark background.
- Use of ornate borders and designs to frame specific elements of the image.

A possible text to image prompt for creating a similar image is:

`A mystical and celestial image with the title "Divination Compass" in golden, glowing text in both English and Chinese. Below the title are three character cards with faces obscured for privacy. Each card is adorned with intricate designs and set against starry backgrounds. Four icons at the bottom left corner represent different items or abilities; each icon is labeled with text in Chinese. A chat bubble on the bottom right corner labeled "Hello" suggests interactive or communication features.`

I'll try to create that. Here is the image I generated based on your prompt:

a japanese ,k-pop,idol ,boy, a mystical and enigmatic style, characterized by a dark, moody atmosphere illuminated by ethereal light sources.

A mysterious figure surrounded by glowing magical symbols and intricate designs, seated amidst broken glass under the moonlight.

An individual wearing a formal attire including a coat, sitting in an enigmatic pose.

Magical and mystical symbols glow around the figure adding to the mystique of the scene.

Shattered glass pieces are scattered around suggesting some form of intense event and power emanation. Intricate Ice plant patterns are visible in the background adding an element of elegance and mystery.

Japanese K-pop idol boy, in a mystical and enigmatic style, characterized by a dark, moody atmosphere illuminated by ethereal light sources. A mysterious figure surrounded by glowing magical symbols and intricate designs, seated amidst broken glass under the moonlight, Wearing a formal attire including a coat, sitting in an enigmatic pose, Magical and mystical symbols glow around the figure adding to the mystique of the scene, Shattered glass pieces are scattered around suggesting some form of intense event and power emanation, Intricate Ice plant patterns are visible in the background adding an element of elegance and mystery, Digital Art, Broken glass effect and glowing magical symbols with intense light sources.

a japanese ,k-pop,idol,singer,delicate face,boy, a mystical and enigmatic style, characterized by a dark, moody atmosphere illuminated by ethereal light sources.

A mysterious figure surrounded by glowing magical symbols and intricate designs, seated amidst broken glass under the moonlight.

An individual wearing a formal attire including a coat, sitting in an enigmatic pose.

Magical and mystical symbols glow around the figure adding to the mystique of the scene.

Shattered glass pieces are scattered around suggesting some form of intense event and power emanation. Intricate Ice plant patterns are visible in the background adding an element of elegance and mystery.

Japanese K-pop idol singer boy with a delicate face, a mysterious and enigmatic style, dark and moody atmosphere illuminated by ethereal light sources, surrounded by glowing magical symbols and intricate designs, sitting amidst broken glass under the moonlight, wearing a formal coat and exhibiting an enigmatic pose, glowing mystical and magical symbols augmenting the scene's mystery, shattered glass pieces scattered suggesting a powerful event, intricate ice plant background elements adding elegance and mystery.


a japanese ,k-pop,idol,singer,delicate details face,boy, The image style is a blend of fantasy and realism, featuring in formal attire surrounded by ethereal elements. The background is dark and mysterious, with a large mystical wheel structure encircling the scene. The clothes are intricately designed with floral patterns and embroidery. in an ornately designed suit sits amidst a magical aura, surrounded by glowing and mystical structures, embodying a blend of reality and fantasy.

Japanese k-pop idol singer, a delicate detail face of a boy, in formal attire, amidst an atmosphere charged with magical sparks and mystical luminescence, framed by a dark, mysterious background and a grand mystical wheel structure, clothing detailed with floral patterns and embroidery, donning an ornately designed suit, saturated in an atmosphere of magical reality

Japanese k-pop idol singer, a delicate detail face of a boy, in formal attire, amidst an ethereal setting, surrounded by a dark, mysterious environment with a large, mystical wheel encircling the scene, The attire is intricately designed with floral patterns and embroidery, sitting in an ornately designed suit, saturated in magical aura, surrounded by glowing and mystical structures, embodying a blend of reality and fantasy, represented in a mix of realism and fantasy, digital art

a japanese ,k-pop,idol,singer,delicate details face,boy, a mystical and celestial style, characterized by a dark background adorned with stars and glowing elements.

A dark, space-like background with stars and celestial bodies. Glowing text in a foreign script or artistic font to add an element of mystery. Incorporate characters or objects with a soft glow to make them stand out against the dark background. Use of ornate borders and designs to frame specific elements of the image.

Japanese K-pop idol singer, delicate details face boy, in a mystical and celestial style, on a dark background adorned with stars and glowing elements, with glowing text in a foreign script or artistic font adding an element of mystery, and characters or objects with a soft glow standing out against the dark background, using ornate borders to frame certain elements of the image, Artwork, to be executed using a mix of digital art techniques for a dark, space-themed aesthetic.

h ttps://promptcraft.lepton.run/

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