China is already embracing growths in both inbound and outbound tourism ahead of the Labor Day holiday, the first long public holiday for Chinese travelers after the eight-day-long Spring Festival holiday in February.
This year's Labor Day holiday lasts from May 1 to May 5, and people are now already planning their travels for the upcoming holiday.
According to data from multiple online tourism service providers, travel enthusiasm for this year's Labor Day holiday will be higher than that of last year and popular tourist destinations for inbound tourism during the period include Beijing, Shanghai, Chongqing, Hangzhou, Nanjing, Xi'an and other cities.
Meanwhile, some regions in the country, like Zibo, Harbin and Tianshui, which boast a diverse range of cuisine have been actively exploring the potential of food as a catalyst for tourism growth.
In addition to domestic tourism market, China's outbound tourism is also riding a vigorous upward tide as many countries have signed mutual visa-free agreements with China, travel agencies said.
So far, the number of outbound tourists from China during the five-day holiday is expected to skyrocket by 370 percent from a year ago.
Thailand and Singapore have become popular short-haul holiday destinations due to their visa-free policies. In addition, there has been a significant increase in inquiries for trips to European destinations this year, particularly, due to the upcoming Olympic Games in Paris, France.


it rained heavily only for a while and then stopped.
and there're stars tonight, look!!!!!!
hahahah [哈哈][太开心][哇]

i got series headache since.. this morning? or last midnight?
and i kept being teary most of the time, not that i cried but my body's natural reaction when being really unwell, though i did shed some tears this afternoon.
it happens, right?

and i rest without exercising today, because i'm so not well, my headache might be gone only right before dinner? also my arms still quite sore especially my left one.

also i felt tingling pains to my heart when preparing my dinner, for several times.

i did myself fried noodles, no meat, only one egg, and one century egg (皮蛋), and all tasty~
i quite enjoyed my dinner and i got full and satisfied~
hahahah [哈哈][馋嘴][awsl]

so far?
then good night and love~~~~~~~~~

i'm tired and sleepy but i doubt that i could fall asleep easily tonight, for i drank quite some black coffee to ease my headache in the daytime.

“Don't stress about it, honey
casual feelings, shimmers of light
Tastes just like a daydream
drinking my coffee and so far
I've been unsure of my own emotions
Look and you'll find a real roller coaster
Something that people really crave their whole life long
Could it be magic 'cause it's more than I can imagine”

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