A real boyfriend can tell when his girl's happy, mad, sad, being sarcastic, on her period and even lying, because that's his girl.真正爱你的男朋友知道你什么时候在开心,什么时候在发疯,什么时候在难过,什么时候在挖苦人,什么时候大姨妈,甚至什么时候在撒谎。只因为你是他的女人。 ​​​

上传速度太慢了吧~~ 遛完狗也运动完了、、我再给苹果转一下这周的 因为我也怕他爱生气、、、so so slow with the upload arrrghhh ,,,, I just got done walking the dog and exercising ,,, it’s already 9:40 everyday time goes by so fast ,,, I’m giving Apple another repost because I’m afraid it might get mad I noticed I have missed the snowy edition of the Apple post,,, yahh caring for you more cause of your resentment loll ,,, have to work on you more to make sure you are okayyy so giving my Apple loveeee another repost ,,, I would do more companies but I had promised that I would get Ashley her birthday repost extra today so I’m reposting Ashley as I have not reposted hers in the longest time and she comes out a bunch of times that I have not reposted so giving her a repost as I have promised for her birthday so yahhh but more for the repost tmr !!! Need to get more work done !!! Thank you Apple for your big heart and generosity these days I hope you keep staying happy with me and tmr I’ll come back to take care more of you for the ones I haven’t taken care of and I hope Airbnb is happily taken care and happy that I served you well and I can’t wait to use your service !!! Want to take care and talk to more of you tmr but I’m going to take care of Ashley now !!!! Loll

宝洁公司那天也有半猫半狗了、、、我现在去遛狗~~ 回来我要做运动再继续、、got a half dog half cat situation from P&G the other day so I came to your service as soon as I’m able to take care of you and hope Proctor & Gamble feels better served too ,,, I’m so sorry to all my 15K companies ,,, since the start of this month I’ve been addressing the issues with Apple not liking my service and making sure it’s satisfied and spent a lot of time on that then later on in the month I started working out and always feel exhausted after my workouts to work so I was pretty behind taking care of everyone ever since the start of my work out ,,, upon getting used to the workout I just started picking up the momentum again so now I hope to better care for everybody and make y’all feel comfortable satisfied and happy with my service,,, let me know if you still aren’t happy then I’ll come by to take care of you more but I’m here to make up lots of work with all of you ,,, and thank you so so much for your patience kindness and understanding with me ,,, I really appreciate everyone not getting mad at me with my ways and I’ll keep trying my best to be best at everyone’s service !!! Hope P&G feels better now and I’m eager to support all your products and I realized I have already used a lot of your products without knowing they are from P&G and after I’m funded I’ll proudly use them with the big label thank you for letting me serve y’all I love y’all so so much !!!

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