1. 过渡词
Consequently - 因此
Hence - 因而
Accordingly - 相应地
Thus - 因此
For that reason - 出于这个原因
As a result - 结果
Therefore - 因此
So - 所以
Since - 因为
Because - 由于
Due to - 由于

First - 首先
Firstly - 其次
To start - 开始
To begin - 开始于
At the beginning - 在开始
At the start - 在开始时
Second - 其次
Secondly - 此后
After - 之后
Afterwards - 然后
Next - 随后
Then - 稍后
Subsequently - 随后
Later - 最后
Third - 第三
Thirdly - 最后
Finally - 最后
Lastly - 最后但并非不重要
Last but not least - 最后但并非不重要

However - 然而
Although - 虽然
Though - 尽管
But - 但是

Furthermore - 此外
Moreover - 而且
Further - 另外
Additionally - 同时
In addition - 另外
Also - 也

In general - 一般来说
Generally - 通常
Generally speaking - 通常来说
By and large - 大体上
For the most part - 大多数时候
Most of the time - 通常
More often than not - 大多数情况下
Usually - 往往
Typically - 典型地
Mostly - 主要地

For example - 比如
As an example - 举个例子
For instance - 例如

In fact - 事实上
As a matter of fact - 确实

In conclusion - 总之
To conclude - 最后总的来说
To summarize - 综上所述
In sum - 总之
All things considered - 最终
Finally - 最后
Overall - 总的来说
Ultimately - 最终
In the end - 最后
To wrap up - 总结
To sum up - 总结
All in all - 总的来说

2. 表达个人观点
In my opinion - 按我看来
As far as I'm concerned - 就我看来
From my perspective - 从我的角度来看
From my point of view - 从我的观点来看
Personally, I think that - 依我看
In my view - 我想说
I'd say that - 我认为
I believe that - 我相信
I strongly/firmly believe that - 我坚信
I'm convinced that - 我确信
There's no doubt in my mind that - 毋庸置疑的是
I feel that - 我感觉
It seems to me that - 在我看来

3. 表达同意
I agree - 我同意
I agree with you - 我同意你的观点
I think so too - 我也这么认为
That's a good point - 这是个好观点
You're right - 你是对的
Definitely - 当然
Absolutely - 绝对
I 2nd that - 我也这么觉得
I couldn't have said it better myself - 我完全赞同
I couldn't agree more - 我们看法一致
We're on the same page - 我们看法一致
You hit the nail on the head - 你说得很对

Neither do I - 我也不这样认为 (当同意消极观点时)

4. 表达不同意
I disagree with you - 我不同意你的观点
I'm afraid I disagree - 我恐怕不能同意
On the contrary - 相反
I understand where you're coming from, but - 我理解你的观点,但是
I respect your opinion, but - 我尊重你的观点,但是
That's a good point, but - 这是个好观点,但是
However, I see your point, but - 然而,我赞同你的观点,但是
Can I share my opinion? - 我能分享我的观点吗?
That's one way of looking at it - 这只是一种看法

5. 表达一般观点
It's said that - 有人说
It's believed that - 据信
I've heard that - 我听说
It's considered that - 有人认为
It's generally accepted that - 一般公认
Most agree that - 多数人同意
Some say that - 有些人说
It goes without saying that - 不言而喻
Researchers/experts suggest that - 研究人员/专家建议

6. 询问他人观点
Do you agree? - 你同意吗?
What's your opinion? - 你有什么看法?
What do you think? - 你怎么认为?
What are your thoughts? - 你有什么想法?
What's your view? - 你的观点是什么?
How do you see the situation? - 你如何看这个问题?
What's your take on it? - 你对此有何看法?
What about you? - 你呢?
How about you? - 那你呢?
Has that been your experience? - 你有这样的经历吗?
What is your experience been? - 你的经历是什么?
Are we on the same page? - 我们看法一致吗?
Is that something you would support too? - 这也是你支持的吗?

We all experience times when we feel deflated, boxed in, at the end of our rope and unsure of whether we can keep putting one foot in front of the other.
We begin feeling this way when we think that everything depends upon us. We think to ourselves: if I can’t muster enough strength and confidence and intelligence, I’m not going to make it through the challenges I am facing.

When our thoughts turn in that direction, it’s because we’ve forgotten one of the most important truths we always need to remember—it isn’t all about my cleverness, or my ability to “gut it out,” or my resilience in the face of trouble. No, it’s not about us. It’s about Him.

God is the one who says, “My grace is sufficient.”
Drooping daisies in a vase
In the midst of our weakness, we can lean on His strength, His wisdom and His power.

You and I are weak. He is strong. That’s why Paul could say, “I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me” (2 Corinthians 12:9).

From my earthly perspective, the torment I’m going through is making me weaker.
But from God’s perspective, it’s a different story. For in our brokenness, God is actually setting up a power plan. His power is perfected in my weakness.

So, when you feel stuck, burdened, broken down or without hope, remember that you need to lean on His strength and power to see you through.
You can’t do it alone, but His grace is sufficient. And His power is perfected in your weakness.
For His kingdom,

Tony Evans

For the first time in, I don't even fucking know how long, I'm actually happy. I mean, usually, I feel numb or…you know, I feel like I'm supposed to be feeling something when I'm not.
But with you, laughing, just being with you,holding you at night, it's meant the world to me.
This is where you say, "of course, I feel some of this, too. "


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