Midjourney 如何控制光照?你应该知道的10 种自然光提示词灵感!



1. 黄昏光线:穿过云层的阳光
Prompt:Photo of,a dramatic landscape,with crepuscular rays,piercing through the clouds, --style raw --ar 3:4 --chaos 8 --stylize 500
2. 斑驳的光:通过树叶的光
Prompt:Photo of,a woman,chose up portrait,posing in forest,naturalistic poses,dappled light,kodak portra 800 --style raw --ar 3:4 --chaos 8 --stylize 400
3. 月光:来自月亮的冷淡蓝色光
Prompt:Photo of,a woman,standing in the sea at night,strong moonlight,cold colors,cinematic --style raw --ar 3:4 --chaos 8 --stylize 200
4. 黄金时段:日出或日落时发出温暖柔和的光线
Prompt:photo of,a minimal room with some plants,micro daily life,golden hour,soft and warm light,design sense, --style raw --ar 3:4 --chaos 8 --stylize 200

5. 阳光直射:来自太阳的强烈、明亮的光线,产生刺眼的阴影
Prompt:photo of,a gen-z girl,selfie,emotionless poses,sun-kissed,direct sunlight, --style raw --ar 3:4 --chaos 8 --stylize 50
6. 背光:来自拍摄对象后面的光,形成光边
Prompt:Photo of,a man at the beach,strong wind,sunset,backlight,dramatic silhouette, --style raw --ar 3:4 --chaos 8 --stylize 20
7. 阴天光:阴天的漫射光,产生柔和的阴影
Prompt:Photo of,an empty street,san francisco back streets,working-clsaa empathy,overcast light,dark,muted colors --style raw --ar 3:4 --chaos 8 --stylize 200
8. 星光:星星发出的微弱光芒,营造出一种神奇的氛围
Prompt:Photo of,a village,night,starry sky,starlight, --style raw --ar 3:4 --chaos 8 --stylize 200
9. 暮光:日落之后或日出之前柔和、漫射的光线
Prompt:3D render of,a spaceship landing on a distant planet,twilight,science fiction style, --style raw --ar 3:4 --chaos 8 --stylize 500
10. 正午刺眼的阳光:最明亮的阳光,产生强烈的阴影
Prompt:Photo of,a biker at mountain,western,very bright,harsh midday sun, --style raw --ar 3:4 --chaos 8 --stylize 200

From Conquest to Empire to Soviet state to Peace

I had to spend several days in the Uzbek capital Tashkent, anxiously awaiting the return of my bicycle from the chaos at Dubai airport. But this wait has given me the opportunity to reflect on Tashkent’s unique position—not only as a historical nexus between East and West on the SilkRoad, alongside cities like Samarkand, Bukhara, Merv, Khiva, and Urgench, but also in its contemporary role as capital of a country trying to reinvent itself. Uzbekistan is squeezed by changing climates, aspiring peoples, political ambitions, and global powers, all recognizing its strategic importance yet leaving it to the Uzbeks to demonstrate their self-esteem, creativity, and agility. And they do with surprising sophistication…


Here's an article focusing on the topic of cities incorporating the provided words:

Cities are vibrant hubs of activity, offering a multitude of amenities and opportunities for residents and immigrants alike. From bustling urban centers to historic neighborhoods, each city has its own unique charm and character.

With rapid urbanization, cities face challenges such as congestion and housing shortages. Commuters navigate crowded streets and public transport systems, while city planners work to improve infrastructure to accommodate growing populations.

Despite these challenges, cities remain beacons of innovation and progress. Pioneering initiatives in sustainable living and green infrastructure are transforming urban landscapes, making cities more livable for inhabitants.

In every neighborhood, a rich tapestry of cultures and communities thrives, shaping the city's identity. From historic landmarks to cultural festivals, cities celebrate their heritage while embracing diversity.

While urban areas are known for their bustling energy, they also offer respite from the chaos. Parks and green spaces provide a sanctuary for residents to unwind and connect with nature, offering a contrast to the concrete jungle.

As cities continue to grow and evolve, the distinction between urban and rural areas becomes increasingly blurred. Sprawling metropolises extend their reach into surrounding regions, creating interconnected networks of communities and economies.

Inhabitants of cities, both old and new, contribute to the vibrant tapestry of urban life. Whether they are lifelong residents or recent immigrants, each individual adds their own unique story to the city's narrative.

This article explores the dynamic nature of cities and the diverse experiences of their inhabitants, while also incorporating the provided words within the context of urban life and development.

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