from adagiopistachio:So glad I got the opportunity to see the non-verbal, all-female production of King Lear at the @riversidestudioslondon
Big hugs to the staff at who were all so friendly and helpful
* An absolutely amazing cast - fully committed throughout the 90 mins (no interval) and I can only admire their art and stamina
I was curious as to how they were going to explain the plot (and the various sub-plots), but I soon found my answers in the clever use of movement choreography and costumes. The illegitimacy of Edmund was conveyed clearly through physical gestures of rejection that were unmistakable. Cordelia is easily identified by her white dress (compared to her sisters' black attire), and the Fool by her colourful costume and acrobatic skills.
! I also found out that non-verbal does not mean no sound at all. I won't give away more, but you will discover it for yourself if you go (performances in London until Sunday 12 May). Grab a ticket before the play moves to Berlin!
And yes, Ms Yip is just as lovely in person
Cast: Cecilia Yip, Lindzay Chan, Amanda Leung, Cassandra Tang, Peggy Chow, Ting-Kwan Lau, Ki-yan Ko, Corina Druc, Costinela Ungureanu

#reveluv[超话]# 出茶花姐 茶花七 二巡卡包卡九 小分队姐 冬专七 电话七 湿发温 wolo2 yes24直播卡 wolo闪卡 fmr嘟嘴温 pkb 蓝衣温 rr温 塞口 day3 白干妈 会员礼团卡 粉发椰 横版 嘟嘴粉发椰 birthday 大寿 k4特典卡 icc day2仰头椰 queendom 双马尾椰 夏魔椰透卡 id卡 day2丸子头温 day1 黑衣温 fm ar温 fm ar姐未拆 售票厅温 wolo yzy特典 yzy2

Look, everything the light touches is our kingdom.

You rule all of that?
Yes. But a king's time as ruler, rises and falls like the sun. One day, Simba... the sun will set on my time here, and will rise with you as the new king.
All of this will belong to me?
It belongs to no one, but will be yours to protect.
A great responsibility.
Everything the light touches? Those trees? And the watering hole? And that mountain? And beyond those shadows?
You must not go there, Simba.
But i thought a king could do whatever he wants. Take any territory.
While others search for what they can take...a true king searches for what he can give.

Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance.
As king, you need to understand that balance, and respect all the creatures, from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope.

And so we are all connected in the great circle of life.


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