



Community Art Project: "Niu Tingji Preface - Graffiti of 'Niu'"

Co-organized by the Hong Kong International Youth Artists Society and Art with Heart, we cordially invite art enthusiasts to join us and participate in collaborative creation.

Mr. ChuenWa, Hung, a master of the Stream of Consciousness art movement, is proficient in various art forms such as classical literature, seal carving, calligraphy, and painting. During the concert on April 26th, music maestro Mr. KC Paul Li improvised compositions while Mr. Hong spontaneously indulged in ink play. Together, they completed the "Niu Tingji Preface" series of wild cursive works in a small studio at the Cattle Depot Artist Village, which have been successfully exhibited.

To allow the general public to participate, the "Muxidi Han Grass Calligraphy" exhibition will continue with its second part in early May, Community Art Project: "Niu Tingji Preface - Graffiti of 'Niu'". This project aims to promote the integration of traditional Chinese calligraphy with contemporary art. We sincerely invite artists and art enthusiasts to create together. Participants will use the white walls indoors at the Cowshed as paper to write words related to "Niu" and create ox-themed graffiti. Artists can register individually or as groups to contribute to the community through art。

Event date:
Artist creation:3 May (Fri) to 5 May (Sun)
Exhibition:May 6 (Mon) to May 9 (Thu)
Activity time: 2:00pm-6:00pm
Activity location:11 Niu Street, Cattle Depot Artist Village, Ma Tau Kok Road, To Kwa Wan.
Curatorial team:C.Fan、Laurence Lee、Manling Cheung、ChuenWa, Hung
網上報名Online registration:ttps://forms.gle/KRhVsRNPXD7BpQYy7

#藝術創作 #看展 #參與 #情感共鳴 #記錄 #五一區哪兒 #偶遇 #沒煩惱 #推薦 #關於展覽 #塗鴉 #藝術愛好者 #范真 #洪荒 #香港國際青年藝術家協會 #Artcreation #exhibition #participation #Emotionalresonance #Record #51Districtwhere #Encounter #notrouble #Recommend #Aboutexhibition #Graffiti #artlovers #C.Fan #ChuenWa,Hung #HongKong InternationalYouthArtistsSociety




他們的寶貴貢獻豐富了這次研討會,使之成為一次非凡的思想聚會。 除了各位演講嘉賓的主題演講外,研討會還舉辦了精彩的圓桌會議,各位演講嘉賓積極與觀眾互動,就數字時代的身份和跨文化傳播問題展開了一場充滿活力的互動討論。

The "Identity and Intercultural Communication in the Digital Age - The Joint Symposium" held at Eduhk campus on November 27, 2024, was a resounding success! 
We were honored to have three distinguished guests from the UCL Institute of Education, University College London to share with us their valuable knowledge.
 Professor Li Wei
 Professor Zhu Hua
 Professor John O'Regan
In addition, we were delighted to have our esteemed academic colleagues from Eduhk, who brought their expertise and insights to the event:
 Professor Angel Lin Mei Yi
 Professor Gu Mingyue
 Dr. Gao Fang Tina
 Dr. Gube Jan Christian C
Their invaluable contributions enriched the symposium, making it an extraordinary gathering of minds. Apart from keynote speeches given by our esteem speakers, the symposium showcased a captivating roundtable event where the distinguished speakers actively engaged with the audiences, creating a vibrant and interactive discussion on identity and intercultural communication in the digital age.


铁杵磨针Grinding an iron rod into a needle

In ancient China, during the time of the Tang Dynasty, there was a little boy named Li Bai. Li Bai would often start reading his books, but then halfway through, he'd feel bored and didn't want to read anymore. So, he'd run outside to play instead.

Well, one day while he was out playing, he met an old grandma. Can you guess what she was doing? She was busy grinding a big iron rod! Li Bai was quite puzzled and asked her, "What are you doing, Grandma?" The grandma replied, "I'm turning this rod into a needle."

Li Bai's eyes grew even wider. He said, "But how can such a thick iron rod ever become a tiny needle?" The grandma smiled and told him, "If I keep grinding it, day after day, someday it will surely become a needle."

Li Bai suddenly understood something important. He realized that to do anything, you need perseverance and determination – you mustn't give up halfway.

From that moment on, Li Bai worked hard at his studies. Guess what? He grew up to be a truly remarkable poet!

This story teaches us that with strong determination and lots of perseverance, even the toughest tasks can be accomplished. So, remember: never give up, just like the grandma with her iron rod and Li Bai with his books!








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