New Year 2021 is coming and the world is ready to welcome it with open arms. We got through the tough year of 2020.All across the world, people are looking forward to welcoming 2021 and bidding goodbye to the challenging year of 2020. It is time to look forward to new beginnings and this time, more than ever, the hope is that 2021 will bring health and prosperity to all. It’s time to remember friendship and acquaintance with a thoughtful new year greeting.For this new year,I hope you and yours remain healthy, happy and safe.May the coming year bless you with prosperity
May it bring good luck to you and your loved ones. May you be showered with blessings and happiness.Happy new year of 2021.

Here is the time to embrace bright 2021 and a fond farewell to the oldThe story of 2020 was “incredible”,certainly we’ll never forget it. But here I still wanna appreciate what experienced and the things I have in 2020 , as all the tough stuffs finally turn out a stronger me
So just left it behind , to welcome the new dawn and all the good fortunes for sure.✨Hope you guys stay positive and test negative in 2021

#SuperJunior[超话]# What a year, am I right? LOL. 2020 was different, tough, frustrating, but also unforgettable. We gain some and we lose some, but in the end, it's the memories that will live on and keep on us going. Thank you for continuous efforts despite the hardship, this year really sucked but you still blessed us with so much amazing content. Let's pray things in 2021 gets better for us to reunite. Happy new year to my handsome men, I love you forever and more!!! 오빠 새해 복 많이 받으세요! 영원히 사랑합니다!

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