To be held on 4 & 5 May 2024, the Hong Kong Whisky Festival is one of the biggest whisky festival and educational events in Hong Kong. Once again, exciting happenings will take up four floors of the hotel. An annual occasion to celebrate whiskies, these two days will feature over 1,100 different spirits, alongside an array of over 35 inciting master classes hosted by diverse brand ambassadors. Hong Kong Whisky Festival offers whisky enthusiasts at all levels an opportunity to engage with industry experts with distilleries, expand their whisky spectrum and indulge in limited edition whiskies.

“This iconic whisky event is expected to be bigger and better. With exhibitors of well-known brands, old and rare independent bottles, brand ambassadors and master classes of diverse pricings and tasting ranges, we are humbled to play a role in spirit education in the city. I am confident that this year we will appeal to all whisky lovers and promote whisky education, encompassing everyone from the novice to the connoisseur through numerous master classes,” said Mr. Lars Ruecker, Director of Food & Beverage, InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong.


Besides the well-known Scottish and Japanese whiskies, the Hong Kong Whisky Festival will also showcase whiskies from Taiwan, India, Israel, Ireland, USA, France, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, England, Netherlands and more.

Vintage Bottlers, an award-winning independent Scottish bottler, will bring in various expressions from 17 to 32yo.
Compass Box, a Scotch whisky-maker dedicated in the craftsmanship of blending whiskies from around the globe, will be represented in Hong Kong for the first time by Brand Ambassador Mr. Leo Korenbaum.

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The alfresco garden of Tiffany’s New York Bar will be the ideal placen to relax with a cigar and to

match with a whisky or cocktail. The cigar collection is curated by Cigraal, better known as Bertie Hong Kong.

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Old & Rare bottles will be available to try at numerous exhibitors. Whiskies from the 70s and 80s and whiskies with a high age can be tried and compared to recent releases. In addition, many newly released whiskies will be presented during the Hong Kong Whisky Festival for the first time in Hong Kong.

A prelude to this Whisky festival, Tiffany’s New York Bar will transform into a cocktail heaven led by Sune Urth of Copenhagen Distillery and Katsuhisa Hirakawa, on the evening of 3 May 2024.

雅思写作7.5分语料| 社会生活类:工作满意度比工作稳定更重要吗?
雅思写作历年大作文真题:Some people say job satisfaction is more important than job security, while others believe that having a permanent job is better than enjoying the job. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

two crucial aspects that individuals consider when choosing a career人们在选择职业时考虑的两个重要方面
have a permanent job有一份固定的工作is better than enjoying the job比享受工作更好
when it comes to career choices当涉及到职业选择
enables individuals to enjoy their work使个人享受他们的工作feel motivated to perform better有动力去做得更好
are more likely to be engaged and productive更有可能投入和富有成效lead to better outcomes for both the individual and the organization为个人和组织带来更好的结果
leads to morale提高士气reduces absenteeism and staff turnover减少缺勤和人员流动ensure that the company remains stable and profitable确保公司保持稳定和盈利
gives individuals a sense of purpose and fulfillment in life给人一种人生的目标感和成就感is essential for their mental health and well-being对他们的心理健康和幸福至关重要
provides individuals with stability and financial security为个人提供稳定和经济保障
ensures that individuals have a steady income确保个人有稳定的收入enables them to plan for their future 使他们能够规划自己的未来take care of their families照顾好他们的家人
provides opportunities for career progression and personal growth提供职业发展和个人成长的机会open doors for new opportunities and higher wages为新的机会和更高的工资敞开大门
be essential when deciding on a career在选择职业时,这是必不可少的
allows individuals to enjoy their work and feel motivated让个人享受他们的工作,并感到有动力offers stability and financial security提供稳定和经济保障
strive to find a balance between the two努力在两者之间找到平衡choose a career that provides both job satisfaction and job security选择一个既能提供工作满意度又能提供工作保障的职业
have the assurance of a stable and secure job有一份稳定可靠的工作

U13 Premier League International Tournament Winners: Manchester City !!!

恭喜13boys拿下了国内三冠王hhh,Well done boooooys !重点表扬dav三次带队拿下冠军,预定本赛季Best City Captain,还要祝贺Jayden在决赛的曼市德比中上演了帽子戏法

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  • 哪有什么突然想起 只不过是一直没忘记.浪漫固然重要 真诚更胜一筹.心里珍惜的东西碎了又碎爱不是画大饼和掉眼泪.太爱了 所以我没哭 也没有说拿下我左肩膀就是你的名
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