When she was younger, she would pretend
That her bedroom was a castle, she was fairest in the land
And she got older, and it all changed
There was no time for make believe and all the magic slipped away
Until the light in her eyes it was all but gone
'Cause all the dreams that she had turned out to be wrong
So keep your head up princess 'fore your crown falls
Know these voices in your head will be your downfall
I know it gets so hard but you don't got far to go
Yeah, keep your head up princess, it's a long road
And the path leads right to where they won't go
I know it hurts right now but I know you'll make it home
So keep your head up
Yeah, keep your head up
And now she's grown up, works at a bar
She traded make shift gowns for serving round from sunrise 'til it's dark
And all her friends got, someone to hold
And she's got no one there, still not prepared to make it on her own
And now the light in her eyes it's now all but gone
'Cause all the dreams that she had turned out to be wrong
So keep your head up princess 'fore your crown falls
Know these voices in your head will be your downfall
I know it gets so hard but you don't got far to go
Yeah, keep your head up princess, it's a long road
And the path leads right to where they won't go
I know it hurts right now but I know you'll make it home
So keep your head up
Yeah, keep your head up
One day you'll find your way back to the start
One day you'll live in your dreams
One day you'll wake up and girl you'll be a queen
So keep your head up princess 'fore your crown falls
Know these voices in your head will be your downfall
I know it gets so hard but you don't got far to go
Yeah, keep your head up princess, it's a long road
And the path leads right to where they won't go
I know it hurts right now but I know you'll make it home
So keep your head up
Yeah, keep your head up



Dereck Lively II praises P.J. Washington: "He's one of, if not, the best defensive player we have. When he's on their best offensive player, and getting it in their head, he's making it difficult for them. That makes everybody else want to step up and be able to play harder."

Jason Kidd praises P.J. Washington: "P.J.'s been great. He's not afraid of anything. He competes at a high level. He's been a big part of this team since he's been here, and you can see that he's comfortable."


#behavioral medicine#
How can I reduce enlarged prostate without surgery?
Having an enlarged prostate can cause a lot of discomfort, so it’s understandable that you’d want to find ways to reduce it without surgery. Luckily, there are a variety of treatments available that can help relieve the symptoms of an enlarged prostate and prevent it from getting worse.

One way to reduce an enlarged prostate is through lifestyle changes. Eating a balanced diet can help reduce levels of testosterone in the body, which can help with the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. In addition, avoiding alcohol and caffeine, getting regular exercise, and quitting smoking can help reduce the risk of prostate enlargement.

Certain medications can also help to reduce an enlarged prostate. Alpha blockers work to relax the muscles that surround the prostate gland, which can help to reduce the pressure on the urethra. In some cases, a doctor may also recommend 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, which can reduce prostate size by blocking the hormones that cause prostate growth.

Aside from medications and lifestyle changes, there are also a few natural remedies that can reduce the symptoms of an enlarged prostate. These include drinking plenty of fluids, eating foods high in zinc and essential fatty acids, and taking supplements such as saw palmetto or nettle leaf.

If lifestyle changes and natural remedies aren’t enough to relieve your symptoms, then you may want to consider talking to your doctor about other treatments, such as microwave therapy or transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). These treatments can be quite effective, but they do come with some risks, so it’s important to discuss them with your doctor before making any decisions.

If you’re suffering from an enlarged prostate, you don’t have to resort to surgery right away. With a few lifestyle changes and natural remedies, you can help reduce your symptoms and prevent the condition from getting worse. Of course, if these methods aren’t enough, then it’s important to talk to your doctor about other treatments that may be available.

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