Resilience never come from suffering alone. It comes from the prerequisites of sufferings being bearable and fruitful, only for the lucky.
People get too overwhelmed by their own experiences and rarely jump out of their tunnel visions, never learn how to be successful from speech of a successful person, they are genius on their own but most advices are too situational.
⋯⋯⋯⋯^ ▽ ^⋯⋯⋯
Resilience comes from repeatedly coping with challenges and setbacks over time.

In the heat of the fight, I walked away
Ignoring words that you were saying... trying to make me stay
I said this time, I've had enough
And you've called a hundred times...but I'm not picking up
Cause I'm so mad, I might tell you that it's over
But if you look a little closer
I said leave, but all I really want is you
To stand outside my window throwing pebbles
Screaming I'm in love with you
Wait there in the pouring rain coming back for more
And don't you leave, cause I knowall I need
Ison the other side of the door
Me and my stupid pride are sitting here alone
Going through the photographs, staring at the phone
I keep going back over things we both said
And I remember the slamming door
And all the things that I misread
So babe, if you know everything, tell me why you couldn't see
When I left I wanted you to chase after me yeah
I said leave, but all I really want is you
To stand outside my window throwing pebbles
Screaming I'm in love with you
Wait there in the pouring rain coming back for more
And don't you leave, cause I knowall I need
Ison the other side of the door
And I'll scream out the window...I can't even look at you
I don't need you, but I do, I do, I do
I'll say there's nothing you can say
To make this right again...I mean it...I mean it
What I mean is
I said ;eave, but baby all I want is you
To stand outside my window throwing pebbles
Screaming I'm in love with you
Wait there in the pouring rain coming back for more
And don't you leave, cause I know all I need
Is on the other side of the door
With your face and the beautiful eyes
And the conversation with the little white lies
And the faded picture of a beautiful night, you
Carried me from your car up the stairs
And I broke down crying, was she worth this mess
After everything and that little black dress
After everything I must confess...I need you...I need you

for Michael Sheen(为数不多我会拼他们名字的actor)he is that kind of person, when you saw him smiled, you can still believe that the world is going to be a better place. For both of us and all of the human beings.
这个访谈除了落泪,我印象最深的是他说他最害怕的是什么. He said the most fear for him is to be alone. It’s the most terrified things, that you know all the things are hard to you, but no one helps you. I quite understand this feeling.
我理解你们相见恨晚,可是辛妈你究竟有多爱甜甜这么短短一个访谈大家问的也好说着说着就David Tennant blablabla,大谈特谈the feelings about kissing David Tennant. 指甲盖人能不能写一个sheen反派提提博士的圣诞特辑啊我想看!

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