Nadal on battle for full fitness: ‘Things can change quickly’

“The goal is to be on court and enjoy as long as possible,” said Nadal of his expectations for Madrid in his pre-tournament press conference. “Try to finish the tournament alive in terms of body issues and enjoy the fact that I will be able to compete one more time on the professional tour and here at home in Madrid. A place that has given me everything in terms of support.

“So let's see. I mean, in this sport, I’ve said it plenty of times, but it's true. Things can change very quickly. If I am not there to try that change, for sure a change will not happen. I am here, giving myself a chance. If at some moment my situation improves so I am able to find better feelings in my body, I need to be ready. I will not be ready if I am at home.”

“I can say a feeling that is very important for me too, emotionally, is that I'm going to be on court tomorrow,” said the 92-time tour-level titlist. “A few weeks ago, I didn't know if I would be able to play again on the professional tour, so today I am playing. It's not perfect, of course, but at least I am playing, and I can enjoy again.

“Especially in a few tournaments that are so emotional for me. I'm able to enjoy that I can say probably goodbye on court.”

20240424, Cebu BL Organization ig


Tonight at BFF Fan Meeting with Ta Tanakhun and Copper Phuriwat, Thai actor Barcode Tinnasit announced his departure from Be On Cloud.

In his speech, Barcode thanked the agency for giving him a chance to be part of the hit BL series "KinnPorsche" where he played as Porshay.

“During KinnPorsche, I got to meet good people — people who were an inspiration to me in work matters. I got to meet a good partner; P'Jeff.... Worakamol Satur. Saying his full name. I don't know his blood type though," he started.

He then continued thanking Jeff who helped him a lot during those times.

"I'm so greatful to him. He was the one to offer me advise on everything concerning so many things when I first entered the industry. He introduced me to how the industry was because he's been around for many years now."

"He's more mature than me by about nine years. You can say he's a lot more mature than me, so I learned from him," said the young actor.

The CEO of Be On Cloud, Pond, has also left his message for Barcode.

“I really want Barcode to go out there and grow. I have the feeling that we already taught and trained him to the point where he can go out and face the world by himself already.

And as for me, I'm comforted by the fact that he'll have someone who loves him a lot take care of him. Which is of course his mother. So we don't need to worry that he'll go to somewhere or be with someone who doesn't love him.

And we still have advise to offer and mutual understanding. I want him to shine. I gotta say that...we, BOC, are really trying to get out a lot of projects, but because what we do and what we believe in doesn't allow us to do so.

So I'm opening the opportunity for everyone to-for the Nong that I've watch grow up until he became this person to get to work with other people as well. So please encourage him and we aren't going anywhere, we're still close by," said Pond.

Translated by: @lunarobsidian on X.


Had I not seen the Sun
I could have borne the shade
But Light a newer Wilderness
My Wilderness has made
照耀得更加荒凉。Don’t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to
最不经意的时候出现Don’t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to
不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现her wishfulface haunts my dreams like the rain at night.
她的热切的脸,如夜雨似的,搅扰着我的梦魂。her wishfulface haunts my dreams like the rain at night.

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