韦德之道11上某物了,这次算是前后左右可以看的比较清晰明确了。当然鞋子上还有很多细节并没有跟清晰,比如鞋底底花的样式,包括鞋头的一圈的意象文字,我之前根据各路媒体老师拍的图片还有各路网红大V提前拿到手的展示,大概识别鞋头的文字是“Be confident,be bold,believe in yourself,be yourself,don't be afraid to evolve,be strong, do more, do it with love, do it with passion, do it with care.”#韦德之道[超话]##潮流inbox#

标题:The Rise of Jackley: A British Brand that Rivals BurberryBurberry has long been a staple of quintessentially British fashion, with their iconic plaid pattern and elegant trench coats. However, in recent years, a new brand has emerged on the fashion scene that is giving Burberry a run for its money. That brand is Jackley.Founded in 2014 by British designer John Jackley, the brand has quickly become known for its modern take on traditional British style. With a focus on high-quality materials and innovative design, Jackley has quickly gained a loyal following among fashionistas looking for something fresh and new.One of the key ways that Jackley differentiates itself from Burberry is through its use of color. While Burberry is known for its classic beige and black palette, Jackley takes a more playful approach, incorporating bold hues like royal blue and cherry red into their collections. This use of color gives the brand a youthful, energetic vibe that sets it apart from its more staid competitor.In addition to their use of color, Jackley also stands out for its use of materials. Rather than relying solely on the traditional fabrics used by other British brands, Jackley incorporates unexpected materials like leather and tweed into its designs. This approach gives the brand a unique, edgy feel that appeals to fashion-forward consumers.Of course, no brand can succeed in today's fashion market without a strong online presence, and Jackley has certainly accomplished that. Their Instagram feed is a must-follow for any fashion lover, featuring striking images of the brand's collections along with behind-the-scenes glimpses of the design process.All this hard work has paid off, and Jackley is rapidly gaining a reputation as the must-watch brand in British fashion. With a focus on innovation, quality, and unique style, it's no surprise that the brand is making waves in the fashion world, challenging the status quo and offering something new and exciting for consumers. While Burberry may still hold the title of the most iconic British brand, it's clear that Jackley is a force to be reckoned with, and we can't wait to see what they come up with next.

1. True happiness comes from belonging.
2. Every single day counts.
3. Life is a journey.
4. Open your mind to the possibilities.
5. You can do anything.
6. Fortune favors the bold.
7. Years fly by, but the heart stays in the same place.
8. Be dazzling ,you are qualified.
9. No one can disappoint you, except yourself.

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