
Isn’t it obvious that my conscience has bruises?
My hands are tied by an institution in ruins, All the weight on my shoulder,
Replaced by monsters, I’m the one who will be sentenced,

Sentenced to a lifetime of nightmares.



Raw Materials Supply
Major Materials Major Suppliers Market Status Procurement Strategy
Raw Wafers FST These 6 suppliers together provide over 90% of the world's ·TSMC's suppliers of silicon wafers are required to pass stringent quality certification
GlobalWafers raw wafer supply. procedures.
SEH ·TSMC procures wafers from multiple sources to ensure adequate supplies for volume
Siltronic manufacturing and to appropriately manage supply risk.
SK siltron .Raw wafer quality enhancement programs are in place to support TSMC's technology
SUMCO advancement.
·TSMC regularly reviews the quality, delivery, cost, sustainability and service performance of its wafer suppliers. The results of these reviews are incorporated into subsequent purchasing decisions.
●A periodic audit of each wafer supplier's quality assurance system ensures that TSMC can maintain the highest quality in its own products,
·TSMC takes various approaches with suppliers to optimize cost and supply.
Chemicals Air Liquide These 12 companies are the major worldwide suppliers of ●Most suppliers have located their new operations closer to TSMC's major
BASF chemicals. manufacturing facilities, thereby significantly improving procurement logistics and
DuPont reducing supply risk.
.All supplied products are regularly reviewed to ensure that TSMC's specifications are
Fujifilm Electronic Materials met and product quality is satisfactory.
Kanto PPC *in order to effectively manage costs and supply chain, TSMC has collaborated with
Merck Kuang Ming suppliers and adopted various strategies, ·TSMC encourages and collaborates with chemical suppliers to implement innovative
RASA green manufacturing improvement programs,
Shiny Tokuyama Wah Lee
Lithographic DuPont These 7 companies are the major worldwide suppliers of ·TSMC works closely with suppliers to develop materials that meet all application and
Materials Fujifilm Electronic Materials lithographic materials. cost requirements.
JSR ·TSMCand suppliers periodically conduct programs to improve their quality, delivery,
Nissan sustainability and green policies, and jointly set improvement programs and monitor
Shin-Etsu Chemical progress to ensure continuous improvement in TSMC's supply chain.
Sumitomo Chemical T.O.K.
Gases Air Liquide These 9 companies are the major worldwide suppliers of ●The majority of these suppliers have facilities in multiple geographic locations, which
Air Products specialty gases. minimizes supply risk for TSMC.
Central Glass ·TSMC conducts periodic audits to ensure that these suppliers meet TSMC's standards.
Linde LienHwa Merck
SK specialty Co., Ltd.
Taiwan Material Technology Nippon Sanso Taiwan
Slurry, Pad, Disk 3M These 7 companies are the maior worldwide suppliers of ·TSMC works closely with suppliers to develop materials that meet all application and
AGC Entegris CMP(Chemical Mechanical Polishina) materials. cost requirements. ·TSMC and suppliers periodically conduct programs to improve their quality, delivery,
sustainability and green policy, and jointly set improvement programs and monitor
Fuibo progress to ensure continuous improvement in TSMC's supply chain.
Fujifilm Electronic Materials *Most suppliers have relocated or plan to establish new manufacturing sites closer to
Fujimi TSMC's major manufacturing facilities, thereby significantly improving procurement
logistics and reducing supply risks.

Although I haven’t become a professional player until today.basketball has brought me a lot of spiritual things on the path of being an actor, such as not abandoning and not giving up.

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