#双语财讯# 美国通胀超预期反弹加大欧美政策分歧 Inflation rebound in US deepens monetary policy divide with Europe - 美国通胀数据上周超预期反弹,同比上涨3.5%。这不仅打压了降息预期,导致美国市场震荡,引起市场机构重新评估通胀前景,也加大了欧美货币政策分歧。

Recent US Department of Labor data show that the consumer price index in the United States rose 3.5 percent year-on-year in March, up 0.3 percentage points from the growth in February, and the core CPI rose 3.8 percent year-on-year and 0.4 percent month-on-month, both exceeding expectations for three consecutive months.

The higher-than-expected CPI indicates that the rebound in the US inflation since the beginning of the year is not temporary. The minutes of the US Federal Reserve's monetary policy meeting in March also show that the Fed will not cut interest rates until it is confident inflation is steadily returning to the target level.

Analysts point out that the continued rebound in US inflation has had many impacts on the US and global markets. With inflation data rebounding, market institutions have to reassess the Fed's policy path, with Wall Street traders expecting the Fed to keep rates higher for longer. There is speculation that the Fed may raise rates again.

Jamie Dimon, chairman and CEO of J.P. Morgan Chase, even said "we are ready for the Fed to raise interest rates to as high as 8 percent".

After the March inflation data were released, US President Joe Biden broke the practice of not commenting on the Fed's decision, saying he believed the Fed will cut rates by the end of the year. Analysts believe that Biden's remarks reflect that the US economy is unable to withstand continued high interest rates, and the "resilience" of the US economy may not be as strong as claimed by the Fed.

As expectations of US interest rate cuts subside, the divergence between European and US monetary policy will widen. If the European Central Bank cuts interest rates before the Fed does, it could cause the euro to fall sharply and European enterprises to pay more for dollar-denominated imports, which would fuel inflation again.

The ECB has intensified efforts to shed the impression that it follows the US in terms of monetary policy. Therefore, it is believed the ECB, fearing that the economy could lose steam, may cut interest rates before the Fed does in June.

The US inflation data are an important indicator of the country's and even global economic trends. However, there have been more signs that inflation data have gradually been used by the US government and the Fed to influence market expectations. The question is, as US federal government debt approaches $35 trillion, how long can this tool be wielded?



If you have an ex and your ex is absolutely perfect but you were broke up because of your fault,

If you usually think of her, blame yourself in the midnight but you believe she would come back to you one day,

If you have been diagnosed that you are mentally illed or you are an alcoholic,

If you like to drink tequila or other hard liquor everyday,

If you have broke up with your companions for your madness,

If you are fond of left-wing theory, Marx and Lenin, being enthusiastic in political activity, the movement is at its low point but you believe one day it would rise and bring us to a brighter future,

If you can speak French or any European minority language,

If you have researched the history of Russia in the past 150 years,

If you do have a tie which can talk to you,

If you have some failed skills on suicide,

If your favorite writers are Franz Kafka, James Joyce, Hermann Hesse, Bertolt Brecht, Albert Camus, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Marcel Proust,

If you like rock music, especially post-punk and synthesizer music, fond of punk culture,

If you living in places like Detroit, Novosibirsk, Changchun in Northeast China or Manchester of England, or even, Ukraine at present,

If you are a cop or a detective, or inside your soul you are insisted on truth of an incident and your own tragedy,

THEN, this video game is going to hit you very hard.

After the darkness of 20th century, we live at a point without direction, we live at the extremely nihilist era among all times. We have no Great War, no Great Depression, our war is a spiritual war. All we do have is the legacy of a controversial or legendary past, we live under the heavy pressure from our daily atomic life, we marked the lines of the movie "Joker", we believe we are the last generation - even we did lose the courage of Sex Pistols that they screamed "no future" in their songs.
But anyway, during our life we have to find out the truth of our lives, our epoch - as to follow the steps of Harry du Bois. Luckily or unluckily, no one would see your miracle.

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