#电视剧小巷人家#The Actors of Small Lane Home" is the first to release a costume poster with vintage atmosphere. Can't wait for it! SmallLaneHomeTVSeries ​​​

Actresses include: Yan Ni, Li Guangjie, Jiang Xin, Fan Chengcheng, Guan Tongxue, Wang Anyu, Lu Yuxiao and Zhou Jieqiong​​​。

361° Group is an integrated sporting goods company founded in 2003 and successfully listed in Hong Kong in 2009 (stock code 01361·HK). As one of the leading sporting goods companies in China, 361° Group owns four segments: sports, children's, overseas business centers and e-commerce centers. In recent years, 361° adhere to the "professional, young, international" brand positioning, with the brand and product value link user needs, to provide consumers with high-quality sports products at the same time, ignite the public sports enthusiasm. 361° adheres to the dual-drive strategy of "professional sports drive brand, sports trend drive business", and continues to cultivate core categories such as running, basketball, comprehensive training and sports trend to drive product upgrades with innovation. In terms of professional, in 2021, the signing of international basketball superstar Spencer Dinwiddie, once again to increase the size of the basketball market, and to provide professional sports equipment for athletes such as Aaron Gordon, Kranbaik Makan, Xu Can, Li Zicheng. At the same time, it has made efforts to move the trend market, signed Gong Jun, Wang Anyu and other entertainment stars, and talked to young ethnic groups with the brand attitude of # I am the future of the East, and continued to promote brand upgrading. In addition, 361° actively grasps emerging consumer trends, continues to explore new IP marketing methods, and has cooperated with well-known IP such as Gouda, Lay's, Trisaran, KAKAO FRIENDS and FATKO, which has been widely recognized by the industry and consumers. 361° follows the strategy of "single brand, dual drive, omni-channel" and continues to strengthen its core competitiveness. On the road of continuous development of the brand, the Group keeps in mind the social responsibility of the enterprise and spare no effort to give back to the society in its own way. Over the years, he has actively participated in various social welfare undertakings, and donated more than 100 million yuan in total.


@王安宇buss Hi Anyu!!! This is my first time ! It is like a dream comes true. Making a journey from Thailand to Shanghai and Beijing to bring the gift and letter to you ! Am flying from Thailand alone to meet you [太开心]

Thank you Anyu for the autograph

Am very happy that all my hard work paid off It is not easy at all to see you

cc. @王安宇buss工作室

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