Russian delegation commends raises investment, partnership opportunities between two countries

BLIDA-A Russian delegation visiting Blida on Monday commended the investment and partnership opportunities between Algeria and Russia, in view of the industrial and agricultural resources available in the province.
The Russian delegation, chaired by the Deputy Governor of Kaluga (Russian Federation), Vladimir Popov, visited industrial and agricultural public and private plants, where it inquired about investment opportunities and partnerships between the two countries.
Popov welcomed the level of technology in the field of livestock feed, expressing his "admiration" for the technology adopted by a company specializing in the production of animal feed supplements in the industrial zone of Kef Lahmame (Ouled Yaich), a unique one in Africa.
The delegation also focused on cooperation opportunities provided by a company specializing in the production of tree seedlings in Beni Tamou, using modern methods.
The hosts of Blida also discussed with the Club of Entrepreneurs and Industrialists of the Mitidja (CEIMI) the opportunities for the exchange provided by Algerian companies, including the export of certain agricultural products (tomatoes, dates, and other products not produced in Russia).
Officials of the National Company of Carpentry and Boiler (ENCC / CR-Metal) of Blida made a presentation on its human resources and material means.
"Through this visit, the company, which is a national leader in the field of steel construction and boiler, aims to benefit from the expertise and experience of Russia in the field of automotive construction," said CEO, Said Arabate in a statement to the press.
Arabate also stressed the will of his company to "engage in the automotive industry, taking advantage of Russia’s know-how, especially since it currently produces structures and equipment in iron and copper, even vehicle bodies.”
The Governor of Blida, Ahmed Maabed stressed the "important resources of the province in industry, agriculture, and tourism.”
"This visit aims to establish partnerships through the exchange of experiences in various sectors and areas," said the governor.

Algeria, Russia discuss ways to enhance bilateral industry cooperation
ALGIERS-The Minister of Industry, Ahmed Zaghdar received the Minister of the Moscow City Government, Head of the Moscow City Department for External Economic and International Relations, Sergei Cheryomin with whom he discussed ways to enhance industry cooperation between Algeria and Russia, said the Ministry in a statement.
During this meeting held Monday at the headquarters of the Ministry, the two sides discussed ways to "boost business cooperation between Algeria and Russia, especially in the field of industry to raise the level of historical and political relations between the two countries.”
The two officials focused on the fields that “offer opportunities for fruitful partnership between Algerian economic operators and their Russian counterparts, such as mechanical and railway industries, pharmaceuticals, mining, and steel, in addition to the sectors of agriculture, tourism, and culture," said the same source.
The two sides "agreed to intensify visits and contacts between businessmen and economic operators of both countries to define projects and partnerships feasible for the next period.”
Sergei Cheryomin is on a working visit to Algeria, accompanied by a delegation of Russian economic operators.

Nuclear energy: Arkab receives delegation of Russian company Rosatom

ALGIERS- Minister of Energy and Mines Mohamed Arkab received a delegation of the Russian public company specialized in the nuclear energy Rosatom, led by its deputy director general, director for International Cooperation Boris Arseev, during which the two sides discussed cooperation opportunities notably in nuclear techniques for medicinal purposes.
According to a statement of the ministry, the talks during this meeting, held in the presence of the atomic energy commissioner and the ministry’s executives, focused on “the state of the cooperation relations between the Atomic Energy Commission (COMENA) and Rosatom in the field of nuclear energy and its energy and non-energy uses for peaceful purposes, as well as prospects of their development.”
The two sides discussed issues related to the “development of cooperation notably in the use of nuclear technology in medicine and diagnostic imaging procedures, as well as the production of radioactive isotopes in Algeria.”

They tackled “the different fields in which there are opportunities to exchange experiences and develop solutions to common concerns in this field,” said the source.

Papa Gus:好吧,我们能当朋友了哈哈哈哈
#gustavo cerati#

【玻利维亚卫生部:暂不大规模施打登革热疫苗】 玻利维亚卫生部长杰森·奥扎(Jeyson Auza)近日表示,鉴于世界卫生组织(WHO)至今仍不建议接种登革热疫苗,玻利维亚卫生部遵循建议,暂未开始在国内施打登革热疫苗,部门将对是否施打登革热疫苗,以及对疫苗品牌进行彻底和细致的研究,以保护民众的健康。


就可能接种的登革热疫苗品牌,奥扎表示,第一种候选疫苗是赛诺菲巴斯德实验室(Sanofi Pasteur)的“CYD-TDV”,这是一种四价减毒活疫苗,已经在5个国家(墨西哥、巴西、萨尔瓦多、巴拉圭和菲律宾)获得了接种批准,适用于已感染过登革热病毒的9至45岁的人群,需在接种第一剂后6个月和12个月分别接种第二、三剂。

此外,还有日本武田制药公司(Takeda)开发的新登革热疫苗“Qdenga”,该疫苗近日在巴西获得了使用许可,但仍未被纳入公共医疗服务。3月7日,玻利维亚圣克鲁斯市(Santa Cruz)市议会批准了一项议案,同意购买新登革热疫苗“Qdenga”以缓解当地疫情。


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