Against a Sickness: To the Female Double Principle God

She said: “I’m god and all
all of this and that world and love
garbage and slaughter all the time
and spring once a year. Once a year
I like to love. You can adjust
to the discipline or not,
and your sacrificial act
called ‘Fruitfulness in Decay’
would be pleasing to me
as long as you did it with joy.
Otherwise, the prayer ‘Decay,
Ripe in the Fruitfulness’
will do if you have to despair.”


You know that girl of yours
I liked? The one with strong legs,
grey eyes, weak in the chest
but always bouncing around?
The one they call “The Laugh,”
“The Walk,” “That Cunt,” “The Brain,”
“Talker, Talker, Talker,” and
“The Iron Woman”? Well,
she’s gone, gone gone, gone
gone gone to someone else,
and now they say that she,
“My Good,” “My True,” “My Beautiful,”
is sick to her god-damned
stomach and rejects all

What do you do to your physical praisers that
they fall apart so fast or leave me? She needs help now,
yours or that prick’s,
I don’t know which.

“I have worked out
my best in belief
of the rule, ‘The best
for the best results
in love of the best,’
or, ‘To hell with it:
I am just god:
it’s not my problem.”’

I will sit out this passion
unreconciled, thanks: there are
too many voices. My visions
are not causal but final:
there’s no place to go to
but on. I’ll dance at the ends
of the white strings of nerves
and love for a while, your slave.
Oh stupid condition, I drink
to your Presences in hope of sleep
asleep, and continuity awake.

Love Song: I and Thou

Nothing is plumb, level, or square:
the studs are bowed, the joists
are shaky by nature, no piece fits
any other piece without a gap
or pinch, and bent nails
dance all over the surfacing
like maggots. By Christ
I am no carpenter. I built
the roof for myself, the walls
for myself, the floors
for myself, and got hung up in it myself. I
danced with a purple thumb
at this house-warming, drunk
with my prime whiskey: rage.
Oh I spat rage’s nails
into the frame-up of my work:
it held. It settled plumb,
level, solid, square and true
for that great moment. Then
it screamed and went on through,
skewing as wrong the other way.
God damned it. This is hell,
but I planned it. I sawed it,
I nailed it, and I
will live in it until it kills me.
I can nail my left palm
to the left-hand crosspiece but
I can’t do everything myself.
I need a hand to nail the right,
a help, a love, a you, a wife.

On Looking for Models

The trees in time
have something else to do
besides their treeing. What is it.
I'm a starving to death
man myself, and thirsty, thirsty
by their fountains but I cannot drink
their mud and sunlight to be whole.
I do not understand these presences
that drink for months
in the dirt, eat light,
and then fast dry in the cold.
They stand it out somehow,
and how, the Botanists will tell me.
It is the "something else" that bothers
me, so I often go back to the forests.

Fabrication of Ancestors
——For old Billy Dugan, shot in the ass in the Civil war, my father said.

The old wound in my ass
has opened up again, but I
am past the prodigies
of youth’s campaigns, and weep
where I used to laugh
in war’s red humors, half
in love with silly-assed pains
and half not feeling them.
I have to sit up with
an indoor unsittable itch
before I go down late
and weeping to the storm-
cellar on a dirty night
and go to bed with the worms.
So pull dirt up over me
and make a family joke
for Old Billy Blue Balls,
the oldest private in the world
with two ass-holes and no
place more to go to for a laugh
except the last one. Say:
The North won the Civil War
without much help from me
although I wear a proof
of the war’s obscenity.


周二愉快 2024年4月16日           
     ——秦东魁 Happy Tuesday Apr 16,2024
We must raise up our children well and we should make them understand “ A matter might be trivial, but if it is wrong to do it or unfair to another person, I must not do it, thinking it will bear little or no consequence. If I do, I am not being a dutiful child because my parents would not want to see me doing things that are irrational or illegal.” And we also get our children know that they shouldn’t play meaningless jokes.There’s a story about “A joke, regret for life.” During the break, a student moved the chair away when his classmate planned to sit down so that his classmate sat on the ground. As a result, it caused his classmate’s spinal fracture and lifelong paralysis. There are many cases like that in our school now, a student will sit on the chair and suddenly another student moves the chair away, which causes the student fall down on the ground. Although it’s just a bit of harmful fun, the result will be very terrible if something really happens.
——Qin Dongkui

우리는 반드시 자신의 자녀를 잘 교육해야 한다. 자녀들은 반드시"비록 작은 일이라 해도 함부로 하지 마라.제멋대로 행동하면 자식이 손해 본다"며 아이들이 쓸데없는 농담을 하지 않도록 해야 한다.'농담하면 평생 후회한다'는 이야기가 있다.수업사이의 휴식시간에 한 학우가 짝궁이 앉을 때 의자를 비켜놓았는데 그 학우가 땅바닥에 앉으면서 척추가 부러지고 종신마비되였다.지금 많은 학교에서는 모두 이런 상황이 나타나는데 다른 사람이 앉으려고 할 때 장난으로 갑자기 걸상을 옮기게 되면 바닥에 넘어지게 된다.비록 무슨 악의에서 한 말은 아니고 그저 장난으로 한 말이지만, 막상 사고가 생긴다면 매우 무섭다.

Мы обязаны хорошо воспитывать своих детей, чтобы они понимали, что «Пусть и маленькое дело, но не делай его самовольно. Если будешь самовольничать, то разрушишь Путь.», и дайте детям знать, что они не должны шутить бессмысленно.Есть история о том, что «Одна шутка привела к сожалениям на всю жизнь». Во время перерыва один одноклассник отодвинул стул, когда его сосед по парте собирался сесть, в результате чего этот сосед по парте сел на землю, сломал позвоночник и был парализован на всю жизнь. Сейчас во многих школах такое случается, когда кто-то сидит, вдруг шутит, чтобы сдвинуть табуретку, и человек падает на землю. Хотя это не из злого умысла, а просто шутка, но действительно страшно, если что-то случится.


holy fak. It’s been a few years since I stepped away from the EU/NA CS community and you’re telling me THIS is happening? How can Valve the IESF or whoever shit that’s responsible for managing the community sit back and watch these gambling sites literally growing into mafia gangs? I’ve always had huge respect for Houngoungane for his contribution to the community. I can imagine how heartwrenching it’d be for him seeing this game turn into a breeding ground for dirty businesses and eventually something that threatens his own life. I really hope Valve understands how CS has always been treated like a freaking orphan and it’s the content creators that helped nurture the game to have its popularity today. I don’t see anything more demoralising than this if this is what they end up with. Volvo pls faking fix.

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