Reading this tweet about the 2022 PIW rendition of Fate (, I really hope he can re-do the Avatar program one day and see how it goes. below, I really hope he can re-do the Avatar program one day and see how it goes. It’s the most complex free program he has skated so far transition-wise, and the artistic conception of wandering and exploring (which is quieter and deeper than say Vocussion, with a great combination of laid-back aplomb and serious sincerity) is very challenging to create.

Admittedly he wasn’t 100% up to the task back in 2020-2021. As Franca Bianconi put it:

“… ma aveva anche delle transizioni molto particolari e molto difficili e interessanti nei cambi di direzione in alcun passaggi, che sono di quelle ricercatezze che normalmente non si mettono, perché non vengono riconosciute… Ma questo butterà per il futuro… Ecco L'unica cosa si vedeva un po' di immaturità nell'espressività nel nella composizione del programma. Insomma si vede che è giovane si vede nel modo di pattinare. C'è ancora un po' di scollegamento tra un elemento e l'altro ogni tanto c'è proprio qualche rincorsa un po' così basica. Però che potenziale, che prospettive che può avere questo pattinatore.”

But it could be better expressed with his now more polished lines and extension, more tender feel of and non-stop engagement to the music, more precise footwork and better glide, better stamina, the unique way of breathing with emotions on the ice that he has developed (according to PChiddy), more mature self-awareness and a stronger personality.

Not sure if he will have the chance to revisit it or not, but that’s something on my wishlist.

#英语板块up# 2024年4月14日


1. set the table (这些都很简单,主要是现在孩子们用这块场景多,哥哥也开始认单词了)

单词来源:跟哥哥读海尼曼《setting the table》遇到的一些词。见图1 1~6都是这本书上的

eg:She ran when she made the beds, ran when she set the table. 她不管是铺床时还是摆饭桌时,都显得很麻利。

2. tablecloth 桌布(说到这个单词和mat,哥哥要我们家里的桌子也要用上桌布和餐垫,叫我下个星期开始)

1)She put the tablecloth on.

2)Dinner is ready. Spread the tablecloth!

3)Excuse me, l'd like to lay a tablecloth on this dining table.

3. mat英 /mæt/美 /mæt/
n. 地垫,垫子;团,簇
v. 缠结,缠结成一团;铺满……上

n 1)a small pad of material that is used to protect surface from an object placed on it

on the mat 受责备;受审/问
chopped strand mat 短切毡
glass mat 玻璃席

rubber mat 橡胶垫
floor mat 地毯
door mat 门垫

straw mat 草席;蚕用草荐
mouse mat 鼠标垫
bath mat 浴室脚垫;浴室防滑垫
place mat 餐具垫

1) This mat has had a lot of wear.

2)My foot caught in the mat and I fell heavily.
我被席子绊了一下, 重重地摔了一跤。

3)I always, always travel with my yoga mat.

4. hammock英 /'hæmək/美 /'hæmək/
n. 吊床;吊铺;吊带
vt. 睡吊床


1)a hammock was slung between two trees.

slung英 /slʌŋ/美 /slʌŋ/
v. 投掷,悬挂(sling的过去分词)

2)We anchored the hammock to the tree.

3)he's lying in a hammock

4)my little boy! The hammock brings you a lot of fun.

anchor 英 /ˈæŋkə(r)/美 /ˈæŋkər/
n. 锚
vt. 抛锚
vt. & vi. (把…)系住, (使)固定

5. 核桃壳:walnut shell


单词来源:我和哥哥在用Here is(be)的句型进行各种名词替换,刚好他面前有他这在玩的核桃壳,看谁说的又快有准,我说的是skin of the walnut,哥哥说的是walnut shell(花生壳也是用shell,peanut shell),后面一查,哥哥表达得更准确,顺便就找到所有关于皮的表达,博主来源见留言区。

rind 英 /raɪnd/美 /raɪnd/
n. 外皮;壳
vt. 剥壳;削皮

ice rind 冰壳; 冰皮;
pork rinds 猪皮
cheese rind 干酪皮
litchi rind 荔枝皮
pomegranate rind 石榴皮

1)Pare the rind from the lemons.

pare 英 /peə(r)/美 /per/
vt. 削皮;剪;修掉(边等);消减

2)If you're not that familiar with durian, it has a spiky rind and the inside, is a yellow, soft colored creamy fruit. 如果你对榴莲不是很熟悉,它有个长满尖刺的外壳,里面则是黄色柔软鲜奶油样的果肉。

spiky 英 /'spaɪkɪ/美 /'spaɪki/
adj. 大钉一般的;装有大钉的;尖刻的;易怒的;有穗的

6. napkin和tissue的区别(事实是我看下来都可以用成tissue)

napkin:还可以表示餐巾布,卫生巾(uk餐厅吃饭要napkin,服务员直接给餐巾布;napkin 一般比tissue 厚一点,另外有些高级餐厅的napkin不一定是纸巾,也可能是布;有的还叫napkin,卫生巾,如日本)

toilet paper:厕所卷筒纸
paper towyel:厨房用纸


serviette英 /ˌsɜːvɪ'et/美 /ˌsə..viˈɛt/
n. 餐巾
(澳洲,纽约这么说的比较多,Serviette 是法语 魁省也用,)

Kleenex英 /ˈkli:neks/美 /ˈkliˌnɛks/(这牌子在加拿大的影响直接代替了品类)
n. 克里奈克斯纸巾(商标名);一张面巾纸

(去餐厅找服务员要Kleenex,就是facial tissue 的意思,napkin 比较厚一点,大一点)

扎克伯格这两天对我不是太满意、、、因为我没太照顾到他还~~ Zuck’s not too happy with my service since 2 days ago my bad ,,, while I was all fixing Apple to make sure to get its vote neglecting my other clients here to make ‘em right up ,,, hope Zuck can be a little happier now I’m here to take care of you !!! Bank of America has also appeared in the past 2 days with yellow loving statue thangs so I noticed and saved and I will go on taking care of my 15K companies tmr okayyy ??? And then I’ll be back taking care of my 30k companies hmmm should we split the payment in 2 times so everyone could get served and then pay ?!??! I’m trying to avoid to make the situation too complicated and complex just trying my best to get everyone together to pay and I hope it works ,,, will be back to taking care of Zuck more for sure ,,, love you so much Zuck don’t be mad at me !!! Love love love and heart heart heart hope all my clients can be happily served and happy with my service I’m here to do my job !!! Tmr and better love love love all my bosses and everyone heart heart heart cheer up Zuck !!! Don’t be upset love you !!! love instagram love love love

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