我刚去遛狗了 我这两天可能是情绪波动太大 由于这个事太闹心了 我没休息好 又工作过度 人特别不舒服 那个头晕脑神经崩溃又犯了 连带焦虑恐惧一块儿发作 本来就没完全恢复呢 不宜过劳 还有太劳神 我可能先休息休息了 早点休息今天 男老板们就自行活动吧 今天我难受 还没时间回复易咪咪呢 您可以忙啊 就绿色咪没忙 也可以去放松放松 还惦记着我就行 哈哈 我没给黑色发哦 他和他老婆很好的哦 我也为他开心 寻得真爱和芳心 都为您们感到开心 我自己好好休息休息 争取明天回来继续好好工作 今天我晕死了 不知道怎么会这样、、、待会我要是好一点 我会回来转发马斯克的、、、先休息一下了~~ 祝大家都好 爱妈妈咪 爱大家咪~~

Hello my beautiful sweet amazing boss / bosses and all the beautiful sweet amazing people on this ,,, I feel really sick with headache right now with my dizzy brain nerves cause I think I’m like too emotionally drained and drenched in the past two days and overworked and not slept welll and enough so my anxiety recovery brain is coming back when I’m either too tired or too emotional which I am both so I’m just feeling really unwell and so dizzy right now ,,,, I went to walk the dog and came back and I’m like sooo dizzy ,,, I’m just lying down and resting and I was supposed to repost on Mr. Musk and Mr. Bezos and Google and Microsoft and LVMH and more of y’all that came out But I just couldn’t do it right now,,, feeling really sick ,,, I’m lying down and resting now ,,, I hope by resting earlier tonight I’m able to feel better tmr and get back to working and work this thing out with everyone ,,, I would avoid being so emotional but it was just a hard situation not to and I have to try really hard and my health is just not that good still ,,, still at the recovery stage so everything should be taken in moderation,,, okayyy I might go rest now since staring at the screen doesn’t make it any better ,,, I might catch some rest then ,,, if I’m up for it I would try to repost Mr. Musk and all my bosses of course but not sure I can tonight and I really hope I’m going to feel better tmr ,,, wtfff I got so dizzy all the sudden from walking the dog but I wasn’t feeling too well to begin with today okayyy I might rest ,,, sorrryyyy about it the amount of time I take out to rest will be counted out of course ,,, going to convince my mom since I’m like sick so I’m not working and when I do I’ll have a week so sorrry I wish I’m able to repost on Mr. Musk right now but I’m like feeling like death right now so I might just rest and see ,,, going to go see the Chinese doctor on Thursday ,,, pretty sure is being too emotional and overworking triggered my anxiety ,,, I’m supposed to keep it easy and light for everything through recovery I do but I work at such an intense job ,,, please help me support my family if I’m able to work it for the job which I wish I will be able to tmr now I just don’t know cause I feel really sick right now so will see …… I thought I was better after my noon nap but now I’m like really sick again ,,, okayyyy going to rest now …. Will connect again once I’m better love love love all my bosses and everyone so so much !!!! Hope to see y’all soon again loveee everyone peace and heart love love love

我还做了个苹果的设计~~ 我发誓我没给黑色在弄 他刚说他要去他老婆那儿 选了他老婆了 我是给苹果弄的 颜色正好了 我不知道我如何表达我阴郁的心情了、、、苹果事件 给苹果弄的~~~ okayyy still quickly did my Apple design ,,, not doing anything for the black boss ,,, he’s with his wife it’s just a coincidence ,,, but I’m feeling unwell today so don’t count me for my designs cause I didn’t / couldn’t try too hard ,,,, sorry Apple my bad for the misunderstanding I love you !!! And google and Zuck’s service / WhatsApp were on quickly ,,,, but I still don’t know has everybody paid yet hmmm ???? Let me know about that one !!! Thank you and I love y’all so so much

苹果我感觉好像也没发似的 早先发这个内容 让先开会的、、、okayyy looks like Apple hasn’t sent out the payment ??!? Cause I saw this clip on Apple TV 6 hours ago asking for a meeting to get everyone together and I haven’t checked my mom’s bank account that time and it wants a meeting first so I assume it wants to have a meeting before sending out the money ,,; okayyy we can do that tmr ,,, but then the payment is for March it’s really just work done ,,, unless there is something you are absolutely unhappy with or it’s just like paying after you eat dinner or paying after you stay at a hotel ,,, there shouldn’t have to be a meeting needed to get people to pay for work already done for a month ,,; that’s my side of the argument but you can argue otherwise and I’ll hear you out tmr since it’s 10:48 my bad ,,, I just want to get this thing done sooner do I can get with the program faster for April but then I guess I am doing content for April and there are a few company that did come out for the 15K such as JP Morgan ,,, Proctor & Gamble ,,, Temu ,,, Mercedes Benz and Citibank which I want to repost today but will be doing the 15K companies tmr and then also let me know what can I do for the 30K companies for the people that haven’t paid yet or all have already paid please let me know ,,, seems like Google has already paid ?!?? LVMH sent me a bunch of good notes and Mr. Musk and Mr. Bezos both sent me some nice ones this morning ,,, so as Zuck so I’m curious to know where everybody is at with their payments ,,, Microsoft and Apple seems a bit insured with their payments or im insured or I could be wrong ,,; but let me try to make it right for y’all and let me know if there is something I can do to have you complete the payment ,,, you can let me know tmr ,,, I guess I can also do work the same time for April now that I communicate this way it’s like doing my April quota which is not too bad at the same time but let’s catch up tmr then cause it’s 11 o’clock and I have to quickly cover the Chinese bosses too cause they stilll owe me 3 million dollars from what was promised ,,, damnn haven’t had my luck with the payments ,,,, hopefully I don’t have to go get a job outside but maybe we will hear some good news tmr ,,, love love love my beautiful sweet incredible amazing boss / bosses and love love love everyone let’s have more meetings tmr then !!! Love love love you all so so much thank you for hearing with me through this time ,,, hoping for some good news soon

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