
The international situation is irreversibly divided into camps, who is afraid of who is now hard to say, but there is one thing for sure, barefoot must not be afraid of wearing shoes, bold must be afraid of life!

AI算法提供:Midjourney V6
Prompt:A plate of Char Siu Rice enchanted with the ten major celestial bodies of our solar system—the Sun's golden radiance, the Moon's calming luminescence, Jupiter's striking belts, Mars' dusty rouge, Saturn's transcendent rings, Venus' soft glow, Mercury's fleeting sparkle, Uranus' blue-green hue, Neptune's distant azure, and Pluto's mysterious shadow—twinkles against a backdrop of cosmic intrigue. Each grain is a canvas for the planets, meticulously wrought to glimmer with metallic luster and crystalline reflections.
The orbits of these heavenly bodies are painted with surrealistic brushstrokes, creating a dynamic dance across a dark, Van Gogh-inspired starry sky. Their paths across the firmament, captured in a classical oil painting style collage, bring to life ancient tales and astronautical wonder. Delicate Miyazaki-esque details breathe life into this cosmic spectacle, not just captivating the eye but tantalizing the palate.
Illuminated by a serene celestial light, the harmonious composition shimmers with subtle gleams and bold lighting effects that conjure an almost mystical evening ambiance. A perspective from above reveals the harmony and intricacy of an entire universe arranged upon a single plate, fused with Japanese cyberpunk aesthetics and visions of futuristic machinery.
It’s a dish where happiness is hidden within every polished curve and detail, crafting an extraordinary scene that tickles both the imagination and senses. An astronomic fantasy that invites philosophical reflection, presented in the sharpest 8K resolution. --relax --aspect 16:9 --version 6 --style raw --tile --quality 2 --chaos 100 --stylize 1000

AI算法提供:Midjourney V6
Prompt:A plate of Char Siu Rice enchanted with the ten major celestial bodies of our solar system—the Sun's golden radiance, the Moon's calming luminescence, Jupiter's striking belts, Mars' dusty rouge, Saturn's transcendent rings, Venus' soft glow, Mercury's fleeting sparkle, Uranus' blue-green hue, Neptune's distant azure, and Pluto's mysterious shadow—twinkles against a backdrop of cosmic intrigue. Each grain is a canvas for the planets, meticulously wrought to glimmer with metallic luster and crystalline reflections.
The orbits of these heavenly bodies are painted with surrealistic brushstrokes, creating a dynamic dance across a dark, Van Gogh-inspired starry sky. Their paths across the firmament, captured in a classical oil painting style collage, bring to life ancient tales and astronautical wonder. Delicate Miyazaki-esque details breathe life into this cosmic spectacle, not just captivating the eye but tantalizing the palate.
Illuminated by a serene celestial light, the harmonious composition shimmers with subtle gleams and bold lighting effects that conjure an almost mystical evening ambiance. A perspective from above reveals the harmony and intricacy of an entire universe arranged upon a single plate, fused with Japanese cyberpunk aesthetics and visions of futuristic machinery.
It’s a dish where happiness is hidden within every polished curve and detail, crafting an extraordinary scene that tickles both the imagination and senses. An astronomic fantasy that invites philosophical reflection, presented in the sharpest 8K resolution. --relax --aspect 16:9 --version 6 --style raw --tile --quality 2 --chaos 100 --stylize 1000#美食[超话]#

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