#吴是温[超话]# #吴是温 全能队长#
【图片】240410 ASEA颁奖礼更新

—————— ฅ՞•ﻌ•՞ฅ︎ ——————


we are having massive energy downloading and timelines collapsed at the same time, and still going on.
and solar wind.. internet connect of my phone has been unstable this year, and sometimes it becomes a little worse, like this afternoon.

it's been completely cloudy and then the sun came out.

i got ready to fall asleep around 11:4x pm last night, but my heart condition was not good, still got affected by panic attack happened yesterday, i almost couldn't breathe when it just happened, and only felt better today, so i didn't fall asleep quickly last night, and i woke up this morning, after back from bathroom i grabbed my phone to check the time, it was 6:04am, and then i barely slept since then, totally i might slept 7 hours? more or less.

i added some grated taro into the dough today, i didn't do it yesterday because i'm afraid low temperature fermention would cause taro fermented too, and that would not taste nice, because the moisture content of taro, i had to add some more flour, plus the room temperature is not so hot these days, they didn't really rise well, however they taste nice after being steamed, very good~
hahahah [哈哈][good]
and i made twice times and more this time, i had two of steamed buns for dinner, went with soup i made with oyster mother shared with me, and one egg, ginger, spring onion, coriander, and then seasoned by salt, msg, black pepper and sesame oil, so delicious, i like my dinner~
and then i got full and satisfied~
hahahah [哈哈][馋嘴][awsl]

about the soybeans dregs i added into the dough, besides they still contain protein, also i squeeze them into soybeans milk by myself, and i might not strong enough to do it completely, which means the dregs still contains some soybean milk, and to avoid of wasting, that's why i added them into the dough, and they are fresh and clean, so don't mind~
hahahah [哈哈][ok]

i don't plan to buy one machine for making soybean milk for now, and i'm satisfied with my current method, also i think how to make things work is flexible, not only one way to achieve it.
besides personally i don't like to be limited like that, and if you want it so desperately, you'd find a way.

i think the more i learn, the freer i should feel, in another words, knowledge is meant to set me free, instead of keeping me in a cage smaller and smaller.

so far?
then good night and love~


1⃣️ Jo Malon - English Pear&Freesia
2⃣️ Elizabeth Arden - Green Tea Scent Spray
3⃣️ Miniso - British Pear

1⃣️ Chanel - N°5 EDP
2⃣️ Type No.-No.60 (护手霜)
3⃣️ Penhaligon's - The Revenge of Lady Blanche
4⃣️ Loewe- 001Man

1⃣️ Jo Malone - Oud&Bergamot

1⃣️ Jo Malone - Rose&White Musk Absolu
2⃣️ Maison Francis Kurkdjian - Baccarat Rouge 540
3⃣️ Jimmy Choo - Blossom EDP
4⃣️ YSL - Black Opium
5⃣️ Jo Malone - Blackberry & Bay
6⃣️ Dior - Rouge Trafalgar
7⃣️ Maison Louis Marie- Antidirs Cassis

1⃣️ Jo Malone - Wood Sage&Sea Salt
2⃣️ sky bottle - Muhwagua(护手霜)
3⃣️ Acqua Di Parma - Blu Mediterraneo

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