Our next-generation Meta Training and Inference Accelerator https://t.cn/A6T9VdJe

设计目标:this chip’s architecture is fundamentally focused on providing the right balance of compute, memory bandwidth, and memory capacity for serving ranking and recommendation models
代际增强:tripled the size of the local PE storage, doubled the on-chip SRAM and increased its bandwidth by 3.5X, and doubled the capacity of LPDDR5.
系统:a large, rack-based system that holds up to 72 accelerators. This consists of three chassis, each containing 12 boards that house two accelerators each. (完全定制的系统)

#智驾不打烊# Spring smell for Avata 11

Three laser radars, safeguarding your nighttime driving journey.

The fog green Avata 11, akin to a lighthouse in the night, intelligently guides my driving journey. Equipped with three laser radar technologies, this smart system has become a reliable assistant during my travels, providing navigation and protection. It acts as a high-level navigation expert, ensuring I steadily progress on unknown roads.
As night falls, the Avata 11 becomes a silent guardian, showcasing its powerful smart technology charm. Supported by the three laser radar technologies, the entire journey is filled with confidence and security, eliminating any fear even on the longest trips. The intelligent assistance functions like a beacon, shining in the darkness to guide me towards my destination.
Avata 11's advanced smart driving navigation system opens a door to the future. It's not just a technological innovation but also a comprehensive care and wisdom guide for drivers. During nighttime drives, I feel like an explorer holding the secrets of unknown territories, all thanks to the cutting-edge technology of Avata 11.
Sailing with the spring breeze, with the powerful smart ally Avata 11 by my side, every night drive becomes enjoyable and each journey turns into an unforgettable experience. The flashing of the three laser radars and the guidance of the advanced smart driving navigation system lead me to believe that intelligent technology has ushered our travel experiences into a new era.

(网太慢了 一定要帮助给我钱啦)贝索斯前两天发的 我以为付费要到了呢、、、(the internet is so so slow seriously need to get some help to a better place with faster internet for better services) awww Mr. Bezos has this super nice one 2 days ago and I thought that money would be arriving so as of right now when will the money get here do you think ?!?? Yahhh that would be me enjoying my kindle services and living my best life ,,, I just can’t wait already for that day to come ,,, imma do 2 sets for each of my 30K companies and get onto my 15K ones to work on them to see where they are at now and hope I will be paid very soon this time ,,, so let me know where we stand in terms or payments as of today April 10th for my March payment ?!?? I will be forever grateful for your help in providing me with the help that is needed thank you Amazon and love you Mr. Bezos

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