我刚去遛狗了 调整了一下心态 谢谢男老板和妈妈咪的支持了 翻译大人 这个谢谢男老板就先不用跟他们说了 也许在汇的路上或者刚刚汇出 还没到、、反正做两只手打算、、、~~~ 一周内收不到钱 下周一 我就邀请男老板了 反正我是认真对待每一份工作了 谁我都认真地做了 还请妈妈咪帮我监督男老板 爸爸比这儿帮着挺了 我就先转一下 我待会转发马斯克的 我刚遛完狗 回来转一下~~~ 我爱妈妈咪

Hello my beautiful sweet amazing boss / bosses and all the beautiful sweet amazing people on this ,,, I just went to walk the dogs the 2nd time of the day and upon coming back I see Mr. Biden and Billie were just on moments ago so I gave them a repost and now starting with my business reposts with Mr. Musk ,,, I have to say sorry with that butterfly message in the last one cause I just wanted to use the blue and yellow for the colors and the message is kinda relevant but kind of offensive if you take it the wrong way ,,, I didn’t mean to say it to anyone it’s just the picture with that message already on there and I hope people didn’t get offended ,,, yahhh I check in with people cause that message could sound kind of mean but I wasn’t trying to be mean I just wanted to use the picture with blue and yellow on there and then it has a message that’s correlating but yahhh I’m not that worried I tried not to be ,,, it’s just the first day ,,, we still have 3 more days and then in a week if money is still not here I would talk to the Chinese bosses and seriously if nobody pays for me I guess I’ll just have to go out look for a job worst case scenario nothing is that bad but I’m sure we will figure some ways out being there are the best people and the richest people on both sides ,,, don’t think money is an issue ,,, just have to do my job right so I’m back to reposting for the 16 companies today to check in to see how everyone is doing then I’m going to be reposting more that I owe for Mr. Musk if there is extra time if not I will keep on doing it tmr ,,, and just wait for it ,,, thank you for waiting with me I hope I didn’t get people too upset or anything ,,, I’m always trying to remain calm in all situations since I’ve gone up and down so much in all situations so I just try to be levelheaded through it all but I’ll still be pretty sad if nothing comes in at all I can’t lie loll ,,, okayyy I will start with reposting Mr. Musk soon ,,, went to walk the dog for a 2nd time of the day thanks for the wait love love love my incredible amazing boss / bosses and love love love everyone ,,, and thank you to Billie and POTUS for coming out too y’all are very lovely and I couldn’t love y’all enough heart heart heart see all my companies soon for the repost communications

(传了三次还传不上啦!!!)我已经在看民宿和车子了 哈哈哈哈 钱还没进来、、、附近都没什么好看的民宿 还是快点租房然后自己建自己喜欢的房子吧~~~ 爱妈妈咪~~~ (上组不是黑色的哦 是日全食哦)

(The 3rd time I’m posting this and not successful arrrrghhhh !!!! ) Okayyy don’t blame me for already browsing on Airbnb for the homes available nearby ,,, there is nothing like super artistic nearby lol so I can’t wait to rent my own place and build my own art pad in the new future and even have my real estate business that I can build for art projects for fun and rent out on Airbnb for my real estate investment that I just build pretty homes for fun and own lots of them and rent them out for business that’s going to be one of my business projects in America cause I like real estate and interior design / all designs ,,, I save the design fees so I myself would be the designer and imagine my place would be a hot spot since a lot of people might want to rent it,,, shout-out to brian from Airbnb I haven’t seen him today yet ,,, also was looking for cars for my mom ,,, seriously can’t wait already ,,, the type of work you do is already different when you have the money ,,, I don’t know if this can count as an entry for Airbnb this week if it doesn’t come out ,,, sometimes you guys just don’t come out my 15K companies ,,, need to come out more often like my 30K business do ,,, but proctor & gamble ,,, Temu ,,, and Mercedes Benz do come out everyday tho ,,, and a few banks are also active on this ,,, my investment bankings I see them on a weekly basis if im lucky but I hope to see everybody more often okayyyy I’m on doing business !!! I can almost check if the money is in or not yet ,,,, cause I have my mom’s phone here but I don’t know her bank app password loll so will wait for her to come back and check for me ,,, seriously can’t wait !!! The aniticipation !!!! Getting close to the mark !!! I can’t wait to change my life !!!! Ahhhhh and then it’s the eclipse today and I didn’t even see it but I’m waiting for the money today like the importance of sun in my life !!!! Okayyy I start with the repost communication soon I wish I get to see my mom’s banking app so I know how to talk to everyone and maybe your money is already here I don’t know lol ,,,, but let the repost party begin ,,, but can we count this one as one entry for Airbnb this week or 2-3 so this be the 3 loll cause I want to feature my work in more creative ways too so I might add features for all of y’all or count it for your features if you don’t post often enough I’ll do my own feature of you for you !!! But I might just do it for free too because I love your service so much ,,,, Brian I’ll still post you(and your lovely dogs) if you come out tho ,,,, anyways just can’t wait already ,,, already feel like life is moving forward here we go !!!! love love love my beautiful sweet amazing boss / bossses and love love love everyone !!! Let the repost party begin !!!

The most painful missing is not that the other person doesn't know your missing, but that he knows but doesn't care. Some people, no matter how you treat them, will not notice, because you are so insignificant in his life.

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