Snail Mail 发行新EP “Valentine (Demos)”

美国独立摇滚歌手 Snail Mail 发行了一张新EP “Valentine (Demos)” 以庆祝她的第二张专辑 “Valentine” 面世两周年. 该EP包含四首来自 “Valentine” 专辑的录音小样和一首此前未发行歌曲 “Easy Thing.” 新闻稿摘录如下:

(November 3, 2023) - Marking the two year anniversary of the release of her critically acclaimed album ‘Valentine,’ Snail Mail (Lindsey Jordan) has released ‘Valentine Demos’ EP today digitally and on vinyl. Consisting of four early stripped-down recordings of songs from the 2021 album including the previously shared “Adore You” (a working title for “Valentine”), it also features previously unreleased song “Easy Thing.”

Jordan says: “Without further ado, here are the demo versions of some of the songs that would become integral to the making of Valentine. A little over three years ago, holed up at my parents’ house in Maryland, with just a minilogue synth, an interface, a mic, and a guitar, I started working on writing my second full length record. I prefer some of the demos to what actually came out on the record because of how intimate and solitary the process was. You can kind of hear me crying in one of them. Maybe two actually haha.”

2023 has seen Snail Mail tour North America and Europe and perform at festivals including Coachella, Rock En Seine, Lowlands, Green Man, and All Points East with HAIM. Of the latter Evening Standard said, "Snail Mail brought her wry snarl to the main stage, thrashing straight through a quick-fire set of favourites”. The band will end the year with a run of shows in Japan in December.

‘Valentine’, the second album from Snail Mail, was featured prominently in best of the year roundups from New York Times, Vogue, Rolling Stone, The New Yorker and many others. It was described as "... exquisite (...) dazzlingly sharp and passionate" (Pitchfork ‘Best New Music’), “remarkable second album (...) alive with such crackling and revelatory emotion” (The New York Times), “a truly satisfying album of 10 perfectly crafted tracks” (the i) and “doesn’t so much touch you as it does completely eviscerate you” (Crack). On release, ‘Valentine’ landed at No. 1 on the Billboard Emerging Artist Chart and No. 61 in the Billboard Top 200 in the US, and entered the Top 40 album charts in the UK and Australia.

Apple Music:

最好的友谊,大概就是即使很久没见,也能坐下来一起吃火锅。废话不多说,卷起袖子涮羊肉,我来告诉你。我们好像昨天才认识。聚时是火,散时是满天星斗。The best friendship is probably that we can sit down and eat hot pot together even if we haven't seen each other for a long time. Without further ado, roll up your sleeves and instant-boiled mutton, and I'll tell you. It seems that we just met yesterday. When gathering, it is fire, and when it is scattered, it is full of stars.

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