
Nacht ist wie ein stilles Meer.
Lust und Leid und Liebesklagen,
kommen so verschworren her,
in dem linden Wellenschlagen.
Wünsche wie die Wolken sind,
Schiffen durch die stillen Raeume,
Wer erkennt im lauen Wind,
Ob's Gedanken oder Traeume?
Schliess ich nun auch Herz und Mund,
Die so gern den Sternen klagen:
Leise doch im Herzensgrund
Bleibt das linde Wellenschlagen.
——Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff《Die Nachtblume夜之花》

今天是支付日 我今天早上六点多还没睡着 我下次不晚上睡前做内容了、、还是早起做内容 晚上早睡~~~ 好的 我晚点安排好了 就把信息发出来 浅弄了点内容 休息地不太够 没弄太好 就先这样 今天主要休息和弄支付的 因为我一直没太睡~~ 爱妈妈咪~~~

Hello my beautiful sweet amazing boss / bosses and all the beautiful sweet amazing people on this ,,, so I couldn’t sleep last night until like 6AM in the morning ,,, barely slept today lollll next time I’m not going to do content staying up late at night ,,, I’m going to get up early and work and not going to work late into the night cause it messes with my sleep ,,, so yahhh today is payment day and I barely slept I just kinda did this design don’t count me too much on it I didn’t even sleep and looking through pictures was pretty difficult and nothing really came up that I like right off the bat just using whatever there is ,,, okayyy so I will get all the payment information ready in a bit and then just upload it there so people can have it and tmr when it’s work days y’all can get to it ,,, im going to put out the wire bank / information and a check option / mailing address one whatever that is comfortable with you ,,, I think the wiring through banks is faster but whatever works for you ,,, I will put those information out in a little bit ,,, prolly wouldn’t be working today cause I didn’t sleep at all and am not feeling too well so just getting the payment set ready is enough work for me today cause I have to get the bank info and all that so be a little bit I post all the info and when you can get to it just let me know k ,,, I’ll prolly just repost on Mr. Musk today still for today’s quota and get back to working tmr today just going to take it easy and do payments ,,, and hope that’s okay with y’all ,,, sorry about my bad sleeping pattern ,,, next time I’m going to wind down at night time and work more during the day so yahhh doing that ,,, and then I’ll see y’all in a bit for the payment sets and I’ll prolly repost on Mr. Musk before that and then before I sleep going to post the bank information ,,, okkayyy thank you anyway love love love my beautiful sweet amazing boss / bosses and love love love everyone heart heart heart love love love See y’all in a bit sorrry for the inconvenience today thank y’all so much for your help and understanding

Today is the second day to see my hubbyyy.He took me to a restaurant he really liked.It’s on an island,we sat outside and had a direct view of the sea.
Everytime I come to Singapore,my hubby always encourages me to speak English.u r right,anytime!anywhere!! Taday,although I was still scared,I took the first step bravely!!!!!! I hope one day I can speak English any help without being afraid of making mistakes!!!
Now I’m typing in his room,he works in the living room.im grateful that he took the time to take me out,and I’m saddened that he still woking.
I have mixed feelings cause I’m leaving tomorrow
Finally,I really love him

#JJJYnn# https://t.cn/A6N3Iypc

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