Right on Twitter "where is xiaojun?" After asking, a bubble message came from Xiaojun. And he posted photos with looks that I loved. Oh, this was the best birthday gift!! The best birthday gift came from my favorite person in the world. I accept these photos as a birthday gift. Thank you baby [太开心] love you so much!!! @威神V_肖俊

#言而履艺术国际[超话]# 在这种动力下,加之盗窃的原因,许多古代三教神像被砍头或以其他方式肢解。艺术家以手绘的方式再现了这些从神像上取下的头像,朱成的肖像画与他在《感知地理》中展出的另一件作品中的巴蜀先民肖像画一样,采用了 “写意“的抽象方式,重现那些已经从文化记忆中抹去的东西。

Coupled with theft, this drive for progress saw many ancient images of the Three Religions (Daoism, Confucianism, Buddhism) beheaded or otherwise mutilated. Here the artist exhibits these mutilated ancient stone torsos and heads along with the hand-drawn recreations of the heads. Zhu Cheng's portraits are rendered much as the portraits of the Ba and Shu forebears are in another of his works on exhibition in Geographies of Feeling—in a xieyi 写意 manner of abstraction. This manner of abstraction serves to retrieve what cannot be seen today, to highlight what has been erased from cultural memory.

1 米 x 0.3 米,2022年。
Zhu Cheng, Tianji,
Installation, 1 m x 0.3 m, 2022.
Photo Credit: A4 Art Museum.

#Geography of Feeling##感知地理##四川成都##亚洲##中国##麓湖a4美术馆##朱成##ZhuCheng#

What is a Linear Equation?
A linear equation is a type of equation that creates a straight line when graphed on a coordinate plane.
Different Forms of Linear Equations:
The standard form of a linear equation is: Ax+By=C, whereA, B, and C are constants.
The slope-intercept form is: y=mx+b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.
The point-slope form is: y−y1​=m(x−x1​), where m is the slope and (x1​,y1​) is a point on the line.
Understanding Slope:
Slope is how much the line goes up or down for every step to the right.
A positive slope means the line goes up from left to right.
A negative slope means the line goes down from left to right.
Zero slope means the line is flat, like the floor.
The y-intercept is where the line crosses the y-axis.
It's the value of y when x is zero.
Graphing Linear Equations:
To graph a linear equation, start at the y-intercept and use the slope to find another point.
Then draw a straight line through those points.
Finding Points on a Line:
You can find points on a line by plugging in different values for x into the equation and solving for y.
Applications of Linear Equations:
Linear equations are used in many real-life situations, like calculating speed, predicting growth, or understanding relationships between variables.
Understanding these forms of linear equations will help you work with them more effectively!

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