What is a Linear Equation?
A linear equation is a type of equation that creates a straight line when graphed on a coordinate plane.
Different Forms of Linear Equations:
The standard form of a linear equation is: Ax+By=C, whereA, B, and C are constants.
The slope-intercept form is: y=mx+b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.
The point-slope form is: y−y1​=m(x−x1​), where m is the slope and (x1​,y1​) is a point on the line.
Understanding Slope:
Slope is how much the line goes up or down for every step to the right.
A positive slope means the line goes up from left to right.
A negative slope means the line goes down from left to right.
Zero slope means the line is flat, like the floor.
The y-intercept is where the line crosses the y-axis.
It's the value of y when x is zero.
Graphing Linear Equations:
To graph a linear equation, start at the y-intercept and use the slope to find another point.
Then draw a straight line through those points.
Finding Points on a Line:
You can find points on a line by plugging in different values for x into the equation and solving for y.
Applications of Linear Equations:
Linear equations are used in many real-life situations, like calculating speed, predicting growth, or understanding relationships between variables.
Understanding these forms of linear equations will help you work with them more effectively!

Here's a summary of linear functions tailored for a middle school student:

What is a Linear Function?

A linear function is a type of equation that creates a straight line when graphed on a coordinate plane.
The Equation of a Linear Function:

The equation of a linear function looks like this:

m represents the slope, or how steep the line is.
b represents the y-intercept, or where the line crosses the y-axis.

Understanding Slope:

Slope is how much the line goes up or down for every step to the right.
A positive slope means the line goes up from left to right.
A negative slope means the line goes down from left to right.
Zero slope means the line is flat, like the floor.


The y-intercept is where the line crosses the y-axis.
It's the value of y when x is zero.

Graphing Linear Functions:

To graph a linear function, start at the y-intercept and use the slope to find another point.
Then draw a straight line through those points.

Finding Points on a Line:

You can find points on a line by plugging in different values for

x into the equation and solving for y.

Applications of Linear Functions:

Linear functions are used in many real-life situations, like calculating speed, predicting growth, or understanding relationships between variables.
Remember, with practice, you'll become a pro at working with linear functions!

① 当很难决定两个中选哪一个时,可以说It's quite a toss-up.
1 在服装店 Can I try this on?
Customer : Hi, I'm looking for play clothes for my daughter.
Clerk : We have just the thing. How about these overalls for little girls?Aren't they cute?

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