追求物欲,如渴盐苦卤,转而增欲,情同五欲。所以修行各种生物工具,勤修心性,是菩萨的修行Pursuing material desires, such as thirst for salt and bitterness, turns to increase desires, and feelings are the same as five desires. Therefore, it is the practice of Bodhisattva to practice all kinds of biological tools and diligently cultivate the mind.

中国北方煎饼的做法 | Northern Chinese Pancake Recipe

1. 和面汤: 把小麦面粉放入面盆中,加水搅拌均匀。
2. 刀切蒜瓣(或其它拌料):用刀切碎蒜瓣(也可加入其它蔬菜/调味菜等),放着备用。
3. 放入鸡蛋/拌料/调料/酱油/油/盐:根据自己的口味,在面盆中放入鸡蛋/拌料/调料/酱油/油/盐等,并搅拌均匀。
4. 备好铲子/油/勺子/和好的汤: 此时备好铲子/油/勺子/和好的汤,准开工。
5. 开火 /要小火:全程要小火。火大了容易粘锅和烧糊。
6. 放油/首次多放一些油:首次锅要烧热,然后稍微多放一些油,并把油在锅中摊开均匀。
7. 后面每次放油少许:第一张煎饼可以多放一些油,避免粘锅;后面每次开始做放入面汤前,可以只放少许油。
8. 旋转入锅面汤: 用勺子旋转着把面汤放入锅中,以期比较均匀。
9. 倾斜锅让面汤流动均匀:倾斜锅让面汤流动均匀,自动摊平在锅中。
10. 晃动让面皮脱锅:约8秒钟后,可以左右晃动锅,让面皮自动从锅底脱落;然后用铲子拖动面皮,以期可以烤均匀。
11. 翻面皮煎另外一面:约10秒钟左右,当面皮表面基本上看不到面汤时,可以用手和铲子翻转面皮,继续煎另外一面。这时,也可以加几滴油,避免粘锅。
12. 全程不需铲子摊平面汤:因为使用的锅具可以移动、轻巧,因此全程只需要晃动锅来让面汤自动摊平。其它锅具操作相应有所不同。
13. 1-2分钟可做一张煎饼:平均 1-2分钟可做一张煎饼,当然每个人用的厨具和火候大小等原因,会有些差异。

Northern Chinese Pancake Recipe

1. Make wheat flour soup: Put wheat flour into a basin, add water and stir evenly.
2. Chop the garlic (or other ingredients) with a knife: Chop the garlic with a knife (you can also add other vegetables/seasonings, etc.) and set aside.
3. Add eggs/mixing ingredients/seasonings/soy sauce/oil/salt: According to your own taste, put eggs/mixing ingredients/seasonings/soy sauce/oil/salt, etc. in the basin and stir evenly.
4. Prepare spatula /oil/spoon/mixed soup: At this time, prepare spatula /oil/spoon/mixed soup and get ready to start work.
5. Turn on the fire / Keep the fire low: Keep the fire low throughout the process. If the fire is too high, it will easily stick to the pan and burn.
6. Add oil/put more oil for the first time: Heat the pan for the first time, then add a little more oil, and spread the oil evenly in the pan.
7. Add a little oil each time: You can put more oil the first time, to avoid sticking to the pan; you can add only a little oil in the pan, before putting into the soup every time you start cooking.
8. Rotate to put the soup into the pan: Use a spoon to rotate to put soup into the pan to make it more even.
9. Tilt the pan to make the soup flow evenly: Tilt the pan to make the soup flow evenly and spread it automatically in the pan.
10. Shake the cake to loose off: After about 8 seconds, you can shake the pan left and right to allow the cake to fall off the bottom of the pan automatically; then use a spatula to drag the cake to bake evenly.
11. Turn and fry the other side: About 10 seconds, when the soup is basically no longer visible on the surface, you can turn the cake with your hand and a spatula and continue to fry the other side. At this time, you can also add a few drops of oil to avoid sticking to the pan.
12. No need for a spatula to spread the soup: Because the pan used is portable and lightweight, you only need to shake the pan to spread the soup automatically. The operation of other pans varies accordingly.
13. It takes 1-2 minutes per cake.


Whose marriage is sweet at the beginning, such as fuel, rice, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar tea to fill the whole marriage, you will understand that the so-called love is really fragile, marriage to the end of all conscience, let the husband and wife relationship to break, never because of a small thing, but the accumulation of countless small things, after the gap, even if no amount of apology can not restore the original heart.

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