One of the characteristics that distinct plants and animals is photosynthesis, which is process that can produce glucose itself by using CO2 and sunlight. Let's see how this happens.

Light-dependent reaction
During this period, chloraplasts require light energy as we familiar with, at which oxygen and energy are produced.

First, light stimulates photosystem II (PS II), a large complex of proteins and pigments that absorbs light, and the energy is transfered to the chlorophyll called P680 at the center of PSII, boosting an electron to pass to a accepcter molecule. The hydrogen in water molecules provide electrons to replace the one in PSII, leaving oxygen atoms to form oxygen and released. Starts from PSII, the electron travels down the electron transport chain (ETC), lossing some of its energy, and the leaked energy pumps the hydrogen ions from stroma (outside) into thylakoid lamen (inside). The H+ gradient allows H+ to flow back to stroma by passing through ATP synthase and finally binds to ADP to form ATP.
At the same time, the electron continues its trip to PSI and joins the P700 chlorophyll. When light is absorbed by PSI and passed toward P700, the electron will again be boosted and pass along the second ETC to bind with H+ and NADP+ to form NADPH.

Light-independent reaction (Calvin cycle)
It is the period that the chloraplasts do not utilize light and the part that I think is the most difficult one to remember.
There are three steps:

Carbon Fixation
An enzyme nicknamed rubisco (RuBP carboxylase-oxygenase) catalyzes attachment of CO2 to a five-carbon sugar called ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP). The resulting 6-carbon molecule is unstable, however, and quickly splits into two molecules of a three-carbon compound called 3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA). Thus, for each CO2 that enters the cycle, two 3-PGA molecules are produced.

First, each molecule of 3-PGA receives a phosphate group from ATP, turning into a doubly phosphorylated molecule called 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate (and leaving behind ADP as a by-product).
Second, the 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate molecules are reduced (gain electrons). Each molecule receives two electrons from NADPH and loses one of its phosphate groups, turning into a three-carbon sugar called glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P). This step produces NADP+ and phosphate (Pi) as by-products.
The ATP and NADPH used in these steps are both products of the light-dependent reactions (the first stage of photosynthesis). That is, the chemical energy of ATP and the reducing power of NADPH, both of which are generated using light energy, keep the Calvin cycle running. Reciprocally, the Calvin cycle regenerates ADP and NADP+, providing the substrates needed by the light-dependent reactions.

Some G3P molecules go to make glucose, while others must be recycled to regenerate the RuBP acceptor. Regeneration requires ATP and involves a complex network of reactions.
In order for one G3P to exit the cycle (and go towards glucose synthesis), three CO2 molecules must enter the cycle, providing three new atoms of fixed carbon. When three CO2 molecules enter the cycle, six G3P molecules are made. One exits the cycle and is used to make glucose, while the other five must be recycled to regenerate three molecules of the RuBP acceptor.


經歷情傷學懂自愛 盼事業上衝刺

潘靜文(Sherman)最近推出了第二首單曲《傷魚座》,借歌曲道盡雙魚座的人即使經歷種種的傷和痛,仍會奮力追求愛情的特性,亦是其自身感受。不過隨着人漸成長,她學懂了要更愛惜自己,即使是天生「戀愛腦」也要努力為事業衝刺,還想與合作多次的張馳豪(Aska)合組CP開拓新市場,原因是二人同為雙魚座,加上彼此稔熟,不會尷尬。◆採、攝:香港文匯報記者 子棠



除了身體受傷,Sherman直認感情方面也容易受傷。「歌詞中提到7秒記憶,就是想表達魚類只有7秒記憶,但另一半帶來的傷害,即使是7秒的記憶也會刻骨銘心,放不下那份傷痛,亦是我做這首歌最想帶出的信息。這個星座的人是很多愁善感、熱愛浪漫和幻想,我覺得是與『戀愛腦』掛鈎,雖然不知道是否所有雙魚座的人都是這樣,但我的確如此。」歌詞中提及的「痛」,Sherman直言全都經歷過,如「浮游於你的太空 捨棄了海洋」、「犧牲尾巴可與你相襯」等,代表她以往的每一段感情,都不會把自己放在首位,不管作出任何犧牲,明明知道離開自己的海洋會死,為了所愛的人也在所不惜,最重要的是能夠在一起。不過雖然自認是「戀愛腦」,但Sherman指在分手的一刻又可以變得很灑脫,即使自己繼續在傷痛中沉淪,也只會用自己的方法去忘記,不會挽留對方,忍夠、愛夠、痛夠後,自然會清醒。現在的Sherman已經歷了三四次的戀愛,她認為每段關係都令自己上了一堂課,亦令她慢慢學會要多點愛惜自己。


今次推出第二首新歌,令Sherman相當興奮,她不諱言因出道歌《永遠潘朵拉》成績未如理想,感恩有機會Take 2,而MV中的爆喊戲又能一take過完成,更令她感到滿足。「推出第一首歌的時候,由於是人生第一首歌,自然有很大期望,但換來失望更大。當時唱歌經驗不多,唱功亦冇咁好,之後一直被人話我唱歌唔掂,叫我做主持好過唱歌,我一直把這些評語放在心裏。經歷那一首歌後,這一年我一直在努力,又在音樂節目《J Music》中有機會與不同的歌手合作,好像不斷被訓練似的,令我現在唱歌冇咁緊張。好記得錄第一首歌時,我做不到監製的某些要求,但今次監製都話我進步很多,能唱到幾個不同版本任他選擇;拍MV時,有一場爆喊戲,我一開機就可以爆喊1分多鐘,結果一take過完成,我還感覺到導演用好滿意、由心而發的聲音嗌good take,因此令我很有滿足感。」


髮型:Hugo Poon @ PRIVATE i salon

化妝:King Yip @ KingsMakeup

場地:The AIR (The ONE)

#MichaelJackson[超话]#Michael shares a prank he pulled on his then manager Frank DiLeo. “We were teasing one another and I started pulling $100 bills from his pockets and throwing them to people who were walking down below. He was trying to stop me, but we were both laughing.” Happy April Fools Day!

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