#阳光信用# #每日一善#

No matter how hard it is, keep going, because only the moment you give up, you lose. I want to pursue my dream. I want to do more meaningful things that I think are worthwhile. From now on, I will adjust my posture, pack my bags, tidy up my clothes and move towards a better future.

发完还得收拾一下就可以出发了、、、will also need to get packed before we go so I have to tidy up a few things ,,, love love love Mr. Musk for connecting with these longgg posts so we care for important guests more and stay connected ,,, thanks for your immense interest in connecting with me ,,, I’m super honored happy and grateful for this job and we must connect all better through out the new year into infinity to Mars

A precious competence

I like the word 'competence,' and I believe everyone does. Do you have any competence? The answer is, of course, you do. But today, I want to talk about the competence of managing your energy. As we all know, everything of value in this world is limited: limited time, limited resources on Earth, limited youth, including limited energy. Today, I am going to emphasize this aspect of limited energy. The reason why I want to talk about the competence of personal energy management is that I have realized how essential it is to not waste energy. We do everything depending on energy, among other key elements.

From observing my life, I have found that if I can be wiser in balancing my energy, the work I do can be more productive. So, I am trying to figure out a better solution.

When I found that I was energetic after a proper rest, at the same time, I found that there was a pile of studying and work waiting to be done. However, besides that, there was cleaning, tidying, and washing howling on the other side. It seemed like I had to be ten percent energetic, but my body told me that after cleaning up the house, I needed a good rest, while there was still a desire in my heart calling me to go back to my regular work and study. These two sounds were dragging me apart, so I generally felt exhausted. Another sound from my heart was yelling no, this is definitely not the wise way to balance my energy.

So after contemplating my current situation, I have decided to make a few adjustments to save my energy. I am ready to master a new competence.

I won't waste any energy on buying, selecting, and picking unnecessary things.
I won't casually browse unuseful news and video clips, which are big and invisible killers of my energy.
Simplify my work and tidy the environment right away, don't wait for another day to tidy up the small mess, which is another invisible waste of my energy.
Keep positive and good energy inside and expel the negative energy promptly.
Take the time to rest for a while, to recharge energy.
These are the good tips I am capable of thinking of now. I call it the precious comepetence . If you have any, please don't hesitate to tell me immediately. I would appreciate your kindness.

Thank you for your reading .

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