Trey:我这么说不是因为我想觉得自己很酷——有时候确实感觉我们更像一个乐队,因为我们总是喜欢每一季的演出,就像我们可以坐在一起讨论我们要做什么一样,但当你走进录音室,你只需要制作专辑,专辑就会给你带来惊喜,让你觉得它朝着你意想不到的方向发展。现在我回过头来看这些旧专辑,就会想:哦,是的,那是我当时的想法,哦,是的,这一季的时候我结婚了,这一季的时候我小女儿出生了,这一季的时候你知道这个人去世了。有一季斯坦觉得一切都是屎,很多人都觉得那是最后一场演出,我心想那曾经就是我的感觉。但我们可以回顾一下我们的过去,不仅仅是我们过去是什么样的,我们的政治立场是什么样的以及它们是如何改变的,还有我们的情绪是如何变化的,这就很好。(I'm not just saying this because i want to feel cool. It does feel more like we're a band sometimes, because we always like every season we go into is almost like we can sit and kind of talk about what we're gonna do, but then you go into the studio and you just make the album and the album surprises you and think it goes in a direction you weren't expecting. And now i can look back at these old albums and be like: oh yeah that's where my head was at then, and oh yeah that's that's the season i got married, that's the season my little girl was born, that's the season when you know this person died. There was one where Stan just decided everything was shit you know and to a lot of people they're like that felt like the last show, and I was like: that's how i was feeling. But it's cool that that we can look at how we were not only where we were and what our politics were and how they've changed but where our emotions were. -- 20th anniversary. Around 40:00.)

我的代表作《中醫之民事責任──從葡萄牙法制角度分析》出版了,將於4月11日在葡萄牙top-one出版社 Almedina發售!這是葡語系國家及地區學說上首本將中醫與法律相關聯的跨學科著作,亦我用了4年時間去寫的心血。
-- 研究初衷:作為中國人,當時想向西方國家宣揚中國的中醫文化,所以將中醫與法律結合研究
-- 學理適用範圍:不只適用於葡萄牙,亦適用於其它葡語系國家/地區,包括澳門地區
特別要感謝一直啓發及鼓勵我的4位重要人士,包括3位導師Vera Lúcia Raposo教授(新里斯本大學)、Eva Sónia Moreira da Silva教授(米尼奧大學)、Benedita Mac Crorie教授(米尼奧大學)以及法學院院長 唐曉晴 教授(澳門大學)。

A minha obra-prima "Responsabilidade Civil na Medicina Tradicional Chinesa – Análise na Perspetiva do Ordenamento Jurídico Português" foi publicada e será lançada no dia 11 de Abril na editora top-1 de Portugal, Almedina! Este é o primeiro livro interdisciplinar nos países e região de língua portuguesa que relaciona a medicina tradicional chinesa e o direito. Levei 4 anos para escrever.
-- Intenção original da pesquisa: Como chinês, eu queria promover a cultura da medicina tradicional chinesa da China nos países ocidentais, por isso combinei a medicina tradicional chinesa e o direito para a investigação
-- Âmbito de aplicação da teoria académica: não só aplicável a Portugal, mas também aplicável a outros países e região de língua portuguesa, incluindo Macau.
Um agradecimento especial a 4 pessoas importantes que sempre me inspiraram e incentivaram, incluindo três orientadoras, a Professora Vera Lúcia Raposo (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), a Professora Eva Sónia Moreira da Silva (Universidade do Minho) e a Professora Benedita Mac Crorie (Universidade do Minho) e o Director da FLL, Professor Tong Io Cheng (Universidade de Macau).

My masterpiece "Civil Liability in Traditional Chinese Medicine – Analysis from the Perspective of the Portuguese Legal System" has been published and will be released on April 11th at Portugal's top-one publishing house, Almedina! This is the first interdisciplinary book in Portuguese-speaking countries and region that relates traditional Chinese medicine and law. It took me 4 years to write.
-- Original intention of the research: As a Chinese, I wanted to promote China's traditional Chinese medicine culture to Western countries, so I combined traditional Chinese medicine and law to study
-- Scope of application of academic theory: not only applicable to Portugal, but also applicable to other Portuguese-speaking countries and region, including Macao SAR.
Special thanks to 4 important people who have always inspired and encouraged me, including three supervisors, Professor Vera Lúcia Raposo (New University of Lisbon), Professor Eva Sónia Moreira da Silva (University of Minho) and Professor Benedita Mac Crorie (University of Minho) and FLL Dean Professor Tong Io Cheng (University of Macau).

預售連結│Link de pré-venda│Pre-sale link:https://t.cn/A6TcbNgD https://t.cn/R2WxFL3

谷歌首先完成四周业绩 有多奖金可以拿吗~~ Now I finished Google’s monthly quota already for 4 weeks sweeeet ooooOoo nice and I recalled google said it will give me extra reward for finishing on time or first before everyone when we were at week 3 so I hope in the next few days when I put out my bank account I can see that extra income wooot wooootttt this is so exciting as I think about it ,,, now google is also really fast with all its responses coming at me so here we finish the first month’s marathon for google with a lovely post featuring Monet’s art and a dog for its powerful search engine with google,,, how amazing !!! I’m all done with google for its 4 weeks of work sweeeeet !!! But I’m throwing in extra one for it when I do everybody else week 4 with its 5th reposts so it doesn’t feel left alone !!! But yahhh I’m all done with google kisses and hearts too happy with joy !!! Yayyyy love you google so much thank you for pushing me with my work I love youuuu also miss Ashley she used to be a YouTuber and worked for google and hope she can get back into making videos I’ll forever be her follower ahhhh I loveeee Ashley and YouTube and all my YouTuber girls and sister loves and everyone loves

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