[DEU中文] The Lake District, located in northwest England, is a picturesque region renowned for its stunning landscapes, serene lakes, and rugged mountains. It's a UNESCO World Heritage Site and attracts visitors from around the globe for its natural beauty and outdoor recreational activities. The region is dotted with charming villages, historic sites, and scenic trails, making it a haven for hikers, nature lovers, and adventure enthusiasts alike. Whether you're exploring the tranquil waters of Windermere, scaling the peaks of Scafell Pike, or simply enjoying a leisurely stroll through the idyllic countryside, the Lake District offers a memorable and enchanting experience for all who visit.
Do you still remember the stargazy pie we introduced earlier? It's right near this area, so you can give it a try while you're here!
英格蘭的湖區(Lake District)位於英格蘭西北部,是一個以其壯麗的景觀、寧靜的湖泊和崎嶇的山脈而聞名的風景區。它是聯合國教科文組織的世界遺產地,吸引來自全球的遊客來欣賞其自然美景和戶外娛樂。 該地區遍布迷人的村莊、歷史遺跡和風景如畫的步道,使其成為遠足者、自然愛好者和冒險愛好者的天堂。無論是探索溫德米爾湖的寧靜水域,攀登斯卡費爾派克峰的山峰,還是只是在寧靜的鄉村漫步,湖區為所有遊客提供了難忘而迷人的體驗。
Der Lake District in Nordwestengland ist eine malerische Region, die für ihre atemberaubenden Landschaften, ruhigen Seen und schroffen Berge bekannt ist. Es ist ein UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe und zieht Besucher aus der ganzen Welt wegen seiner natürlichen Schönheit und der vielfältigen Freizeitmöglichkeiten im Freien an. Die Region ist gespickt mit charmanten Dörfern, historischen Stätten und malerischen Wanderwegen und ist somit ein Paradies für Wanderer, Naturfreunde und Abenteuerlustige gleichermaßen. Egal, ob Sie die ruhigen Gewässer des Windermere erkunden, die Gipfel des Scafell Pike erklimmen oder einfach nur einen gemütlichen Spaziergang durch die idyllische Landschaft genießen - der Lake District bietet ein unvergessliches und bezauberndes Erlebnis für alle Besucher.
Erinnern Sie sich noch an den Stargazy-Pie, den wir vorgestellt haben? Er ist gleich in der Nähe dieses Gebiets, also könnten Sie ihn gleich ausprobieren, während Sie hier sind!

港币108*起直飞河内岘港!性价比Chill walk攻略~


鸡蛋咖啡的鼻祖店,想喝正宗的喝它! 人均36,666VND(约人民币¥10)
Cafe Giang
Cafe Dinh

距离河内市中心约20公里Ocean Park3里面的小威尼斯。周边建筑五彩缤纷非常适合出大片!还可以乘坐water taxi游览小运河。晚上还能感受3D灯光秀。
XX3G+657, Nghïa Try, Vãn Giang, Hung Y è n

Son Tra Peninsula(山茶半岛)位于越南-岘港市东北区,岛里藏着一间缩小版圣托尼里岛咖啡馆【Sdn Trà Marina】,以蓝白调为主的浪漫欧式小建筑,海风拂面望着日落,美好正在不期而遇。
Son Tra Peninsula(山茶半岛)

✅在这里你可以溜达在当地市场感受烟火气-【Cho con-沙洲市场】;
✅在这里你可以穿梭在神秘洞穴、探索佛塔-【Marble Monuntains-五行山】;
✅在这里你可以品尝各式岘港夜市美食,越南海鲜/小吃/烧烤包罗万有-【Son tra night market-山茶夜市】


优惠站点:河内 / 岘港
⏰预订日期: 4月2日(10:00)- 4月4日(23:59)
旅游日期:2024年 4月5日 -7月11日
快pick好自己的目的地, 来一场越南chill walk!
#香港快运航空# #HKExpress# #尽情去飞# #越南旅游# #河内美食# #越南岘港旅行#

Primeiro Festival de Gastronomia Portuguesa em Xangai
The First Portuguese Gastronomy Festival in Shanghai

Não perca esta Oportunidade única - Chef português em Xangai!
Don't miss this unique opportunity - Portuguese chef in Shanghai!


Não perca a experiência única de poder saborear um menu degustação criado especificamente para Xangai pelo Chef Português Paulo Quaresma!
Na abertura, na noite de dia 13, poderá ainda assistir a um espetáculo ao vivo do artista português José Correia. Para celebrar abril, o alinhamento musical irá incluir tributos ao grande cantor português Zeca Afonso, bem como conhecidas músicas nacionais.
Junte-se já a esta oportunidade especial e assegure a sua reserva junto do Restaurante Viva!

不要错过享受由葡萄牙主厨Paulo Quaresma专为上海打造的品尝菜单,定会带来独特的体验!
在13日晚的开幕式上,您还可以观看葡萄牙艺术家若泽·库黑亚(José Correia)的现场表演。为了庆祝四月,曲目将包括向伟大的葡萄牙歌手泽卡·阿方索致敬,以及著名的民族歌曲。

Don't miss the unique experience of enjoying a tasting menu created specifically for Shanghai by Portuguese Chef Paulo Quaresma!
At the opening, on the night of the 13th, you can also watch a live show by Portuguese artist José Correia. To celebrate April, the musical lineup will include tributes to the great Portuguese singer Zeca Afonso, as well as well-known national songs.
Join this special opportunity now and secure your reservation at Restaurante Viva!

Chef | 大厨
Paulo Quaresma

Nos primeiros anos, recebeu formação na Escola de Culinária de Lisboa, em 2001 mudou-se para Pequim e tornou-se chef principal do Hotel Legendale, responsável pelo restaurante Camões. Em 2017, foi promovido a chef executivo. Este chef talentoso e apaixonado pela culinária gosta de viajar e incorporar diferentes culturas na sua cozinha, procurando encontrar semelhanças entre a culinária chinesa e portuguesa.

早年间于里斯本烹饪学校接受培训, 2001年移居北京,成为Legendale Hotel主厨,负责卡蒙斯餐厅,2017年晋升为行政总厨。这位厨艺精湛且热爱探索的大厨喜欢旅行,将不同文化融入烹饪,致力于在中国与葡萄牙美食中寻找共通之处。

In his early years, he trained at the Culinary School of Lisbon. In 2001, he moved to Beijing and became the head chef at Legendale Hotel, overseeing the Camões restaurant. In 2017, he was promoted to executive chef. This skilled and explorative chef enjoys traveling and integrating different cultures into his cooking, striving to find common ground between Chinese and Portuguese cuisine.

Combinação das Gastronomia & Arte

A carreira musical de José tem sido marcada por colaborações notáveis com artistas e bandas internacionais. Suas colaborações musicais de prestígio incluem Limahl do Kajagoogoo, o lendário Glen Hughes do Deep Purple, Chad Smith do famoso Red Hot Chili Peppers e o conjunto icónico de rock de Los Angeles, Mr.BIG.

何塞的音乐生涯以与国际艺术家和乐队的出色合作为标志。他的著名音乐合作包括 Kajagoogoo 的 Limahl、Deep Purple 的传奇 Glen Hughes、Red Hot Chili Peppers 的 Chad Smith 以及标志性的洛杉矶摇滚乐团 Mr.BIG。

Jose's musical career has been marked by remarkable collaborations alongside international artists and bands. His prestigious music acollaborations include Limahl from Kajagoogoo, the legendary Glen Hughes of Deep Purple, Chad Smith of Red Hot Chili Peppers fame, and the iconic L.A rock ensemble, Mr.BIG.

Localizado no coração de Xangai, Viva! é o primeiro restaurante autêntico de comida portuguesa, fundado em 2015 por três amigos que cresceram em Portugal. Oferece culinária portuguesa genuína. Abre diariamente ao meio-dia e fecha às dez da noite. Durante o dia, é um restaurante português refinado, à noite transforma-se num descontraído bar. O interior é decorado com azulejos, que remetem aos 500 anos de história entre Portugal e a China.


Located in the heart of Shanghai, Viva! is the first authentic Portuguese cuisine restaurant in the city, founded in 2015 by three friends who grew up in Portugal. It offers genuine Portuguese dishes. It opens daily at noon and closes at ten in the evening. During the day, it's an elegant Portuguese restaurant, while at night, it transforms into a relaxed bar. The interior is adorned with Azulejo tiles, carrying the 500-year history of exchanges between Portugal and China.

O proprietário, André Zhou, natural de Vila Nova de Famalicão, crescido em Braga, em Portugal, com ascendência chinesa, é responsável por cuidar do ambiente e do conforto do espaço, proporcionando aos clientes uma experiência incrível.

餐厅老板André Zhou来自葡萄牙法马利康新镇,从小在布拉加长大,有中国血统,致力于舒适的餐厅环境,为客户提供难忘的体验。

The owner, André Zhou, a native of the city of Braga, in Portugal, with Chinese ancestry, is responsible for taking care of the ambience and comfort of the space, providing customers with an incredible experience.

Não perca a oportunidade, leia o código QR no cartaz para fazer uma reserva e experimente todos estes sabores portugueses no Viva! na Rua Wuding!


Don't miss the opportunity, scan the QR code in the poster to make a reservation and try all these kinds of Portuguese flavors at Viva! in Wuding Road!

* O menu de degustação é da exclusiva responsabilidade do Viva! PortugueseGrills and Seafood.
* 品尝菜单由Viva!葡萄牙烧烤和海鲜餐厅独家负责。
* The tasting menu is the exclusive responsibility of Viva! Portuguese Grills and Seafood.

* Para informações sobre menu e preço, contactar diretamente o restaurante.
* 有关菜单和价格信息,请直接与餐厅联系。
* For menu and price information, please contact the restaurant directly.#上海·Viva葡萄牙菜餐厅(武定路)[地点]#

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