
USSR Labor Set: order "Labor Glory" 3rd Class #51829, medal "for Labor Valor" without number with documents.
Awarded to: Petrenko Mikhail Danilovich.
Order "Labor Glory" 3rd Class #51829 awarded in May 4, 1975.
Medal "for Labor Valor" awarded in August 5, 1966.

苏联早期带挂2级卫国勋章套章,属于科列斯尼克同志,包含:早期带挂版2级卫国勋章(#27472),战时1级卫国勋章(#117300,银轮),二战红星勋章( #1338532),攻克柯尼斯堡奖章,战胜德国奖章,均带证书和部分电子档案。

USSR Battle Set: order “Patriotic War” 1st class #117300, order “Patriotic War” 2nd Class #27472, order “Red Star” #1338532, medal “for Capture Konigsberg”, medal “for Victory over Germany” with docs.

Awarded to:

Kolesnik Ivan Leontievich
(Колесник Иван Леонтьевич)

Order “Patriotic War” 2nd Class #27472 is rare early variation on quadro suspension device with connection ring and number applied by stichel on 7-th oclock, without pin. Can be found in range of numbers 12655 - 32653 (T1, KMD, V2). Produced on Krasnokamsk Mint.
Order “Patriotic War” 1st class #117300 with native silver screw-nut.
Medal “for Victory over Germany” awarded in August 5, 1945. Document signed by commander of 13 guard’s rifle Konigsberg corps, guard’s colonel Dmitriev.
Medal “for Capture Konigsberg” awarded in January 15, 1946. Document signed by commander of 13 guard’s rifle Konigsberg corps, general-lieutenant Harushenko.
Also presented military ticket with photo of cavalier and identity card with photo of cavalier signed by chief of political department of 2nd guard’s army, guard’s general-major Sergeev.

order “Patriotic War” 2nd Class #27472 awarded for:

KOLESNIK Ivan Leontievich – guard’s major, inspector of organizational instructor department of political department of 2nd guard’s army.
KOLESNIK being into 13 guard’s rifle corps from July 11 to August 5, 1943 personally performed big organizational – communist party work of preparing staff to combats, during finishing march prepared 49 guard’s rifle division to march, and it passed without losses in staff.
Being in combat formations of 3rd guard’s rifle division at Saur-Mogila he lead political management of 9 guard’s rifle regiment he with soldiers reflected all enemy’s counterattacks. During 2 days under Kolesnik’s management was restored communication with Command Post of division and thus secured in combats from July 25 to 31 to commander management by units 13, 9 and 5 guard’s rifle regiment. Personally participated in reflecting enemy’s counterattacks and by personal example of bravery and courage soldiers despite on enemy superior forces didn’t left occupies positions. Being in combat formations of training battalion of 3rd Guard’s rifle division organized gathering of retreating units of 86 guard’s rifle division and organized squads on defense of village Stepanovka.
Deserves awarding by order Patriotic war 1 class.


KOLESNIK Ivan Leontievich

order “Patriotic War” 1st class #117300 awarded for:

KOLESNIK Ivan Leontievich – guard’s major, deputy chief of political department of 13 guard’s rifle corps.
KOLESNIK working as deputy chief of political department of 13 guard’s rifle corps during combats in Eastern Prussia showed bravery and big initiative during performing command’s tasks.
During combats he most time was being into units, organized communist-party work and correctly aimed staff on performing of command’s tasks, secured growing of CPSU, supervised work of subordinate political agencies. Performed big work of propaganda of Stalin’s orders and Soviet Information bureau among staff of corps what constantly raised advancing spirit.
For excellent work on organization of political work on performing of command’s tasks guard’s major Kolesnik governmental award order “PATRIOTIC WAR 1 CLASS”.

Deputy chief of political department of 13 guard’s rifle corps
Guard’s colonel /Meshkov/
“14” February 1945.

Political worker.

order “Red Star” #1338532 awarded for:

KOLESNIK Ivan Leontievich – guard’s lieutenant-colonel, deputy chief of political department of 13 guard’s rifle corps.
KOLESNIK worked as deputy chief of political department of corps during preparing during assault of town Konigsberg in combats for liberation Sammland peninsula showed himself as operative, selfless political worker. Being in units of 24 guard’s rifle division and 33 guard’s rifle division quickly and correctly aimed party-political workers and Komsomol organizations on excellent performing of combat tasks. By his educational work, constant speaking with staff, visiting of combat formations he created high advancing spirit among staff, what contributed to command in performing of combat tasks. In combats on cleaning of Sammland peninsula KOLESNIK in staff of 88 guard’s rifle regiment and 59 guard’s artillery brigade, 33 guard’s rifle division when regiments fought for settlements Groß Heydekrug, Wiedeten, Zimmerbude during enemy’s heavy resistance he organized party workers, communists and Komsomol members and all staff on performing of combat tasks and by personal example inspired soldier’s, sergeant’s and officer’s staff on combat feats, despite on heavy enemy’s fire. During all combat operation he helped a lot to command it timely delivery of ammunition, food, evacuation of wounded from battlefield and timely burial of dead in combats.
Deserves governmental award order “Red Star”.


“19” April 1945.

Political worker speaking with staff.


USSR Labor Set: order “Red Banner of Labor” #1227803, order “Badge Honor #13771106 with documents.
Awarded to: Gusak Victor Alekseevich (Гусак Виктор Алексеевич).
Order “Red Banner of Labor” #1227803 awarded in July 7, 1986.
Order “Badge Honor #13771106 awarded in December 24, 1976.

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