1。23当您的眼镜变形时,请早起, 烧香 崇拜然后回去睡觉Stayed up and stayed up again last night!Before flipping over with XiaoI'm sorry about the photos of brother playing in Russia~?Have porridge at noonJust go to workI was smashed by the movie. All files are removed today!该死的,Are processing refunds in the afternoon, ushering in a business winter?Like the little girl in the killer not too cold?1.twenty threeWas your glasses knocked out of shape早早起来烧香拜拜又回去补眠了?昨晚又熬夜又熬夜!翻了翻之前跟小哥去俄国玩的照片感慨一下~?中午吃了粥就去上班啦被电影坑死了今天全部撤档!赔死了他妈的下午都在处理退票迎来了事业寒冬?像杀手不太冷里面的小女孩?酒店不知道干啥给客人送了保温杯?酒店都不给客人取消订单哈哈哈哈煮了骨汤面好吃很好吃下午打扫了爷爷那个时期住的老房子晚上?好辛苦天天都在接电话接得都烦了等!马上就来啦

[D21M+20]The day that broke the original plan came home yesterday and saw the grandfather of grapefruit playing in the room with grapefruit.Two people have fun
Grandpa Tai 70+
The body is still great
I often come to my house to give grapefruit the wild fish and shrimp I caught
I will also help my mother-in-law bring grapefruit for a while
Yuzi also likes him very much
I hope he is healthy and can watch the grapefruit grow up and eat a sandwich on the way to workI read a book
Grapefruit looks at her too?[D21M+20]The day that broke the original plan came home yesterday and saw the grandfather of grapefruit playing in the room with grapefruit.Two people have fun
Grandpa Tai 70+
The body is still great
I often come to my house to give grapefruit the wild fish and shrimp I caught
I will also help my mother-in-law bring grapefruit for a while
Yuzi also likes him very much
I hope he is healthy and can watch the grapefruit grow up and eat a sandwich on the way to workI read a book
Yuzi also read her book
Very harmonious picture
I left the room. Yuzi sat on the small sofa and read attentively. I took Yuzi to swim this morning.I was hit by a car as soon as I got out of the underground garage
Very slight kind
In the end
the two parties negotiated insurance
Came to this place for the first time
In fact
the attitude of the other party was pretty good throughoutTo deal with this accident peacefully together
I took out the yoga mat from the storage room
Ready to practice belly
Yuzi was also very excited to see me practicing
Follow my actions and learn them in a decent way


07:45 from gj’s ins, n the sum of 7 n 4 is 11, u know what I mean

I sat up all night n went straight workI wonder how many of u were the same.

05:11, nothing really happened though, I got the number 1113344, which might be kind of meaningful if pronounced in Chinese ❤️ ​​​

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