终于传输上去了 但我也查询不了、、我妈现在没在 希望上传上去了吧~~ 爱妈妈咪~~ finally I got it up ,,, but I can’t even check on it cause my mom is not around right now with her phone ,,, and Mr. Gates has already come out from earlier with his direct personal post but since I made this one up from earlier than he’d came out ,,,, I’m just going to use this and use his other one on our next edition ,,, and Mr. Musk has already come back for 2nd round with Tesla sweet caught it!!! I’m going to be finishing up my 15K company then I’m back to do it for the 2nd round cause I’m still very behind for my 15k companies that I want to get done today ,,, with upload speed this slow not sure how long it’s going to take ,,,, hopefully next month we will all be up to full speed with our internet and new life and everything ,,, Brian from Airbnb came out with his dog again and yesss I’ll be working on my 15K companies in a bit after I walk my dogs ,,, and since I can’t check my uploads right now I prefer to do the work when my mom is back with her phone as she said she shouldn’t be out for too long so will wait for her ,,, thank you for waiting for so long Mr. Gates ,,, I will want to get you an extra set for waiting longer than anyone since I got stuck on your set but when we are all done with catching up my work okayyy ,,, I’ll get you and google both extra sets just for waiting and google for my extra pay and not leaving it alone while I do everybody else for week 4 ,,, so yahhhh I love you back and I love you more Microsoft and Mr. Gates ,,, can’t wait until April when the internet is really up to speed and we are all goood with our brand new everything love love love Mr. Gates and all my bosses and everyone ,,, thank you for waiting !!! I love you more !!!

Irene's journey in the world of entertainment is a testament to her resilience and passion. From her humble beginnings to her meteoric rise to fame, she has navigated the highs and lows of the industry with grace and poise. Her journey serves as a reminder that with hard work, determination, and a sprinkle of talent, dreams can indeed come true.

Beyond her undeniable talent as a singer and dancer, Irene embodies elegance and grace both on and off the stage. Her effortless charm and timeless beauty have made her a role model for many, inspiring confidence and empowerment. Whether she's dazzling audiences with her performances or captivating them with her radiant smile, Irene's presence leaves an indelible mark on all who encounter her.

Irene from Red Velvet is more than just a K-pop idol; she is a symbol of strength, beauty, and grace. Her talent, humility, and unwavering dedication to her craft inspire millions around the world. As she celebrates another year of life, let us join together in honoring her legacy and wishing her a birthday filled with love, happiness, and endless possibilities. Happy birthday, Irene!
#irene0329生日快乐# [心] #裴珠泫#


Many indeed were the perilous situations in which she came to her brother’s rescue, concealing much on his behalf. My disaffection toward her and her later dishonorII should not prevent me from acknowledging the truth.

His Majesty’s partiality and affection were showered upon Madame Chŏng.One might have expected, as is quite natural, that the Prince might have been less than amiably disposed toward this sister. However, if he felt something of this sort, he never showed it. Only on several occasions, when the situation reached an extreme point and his illness went out of control, did he lose his temper at her. An ordinary person in his position could not have behaved with such restraint.
陛下對和緩公主傾注了極大的偏愛和喜愛。人們可能會想到思悼世子對這位妹妹可能會不太友好,如不友好也自然。 然而,即使他有這種感覺,也從未表露出來。只有在幾次情況達到極端、病情失控時,他才對她發脾氣。一般人在他這個位置上,不可能表現得這麼克制。

the Princess out of fear never once refused a request that the Prince made of her.

she did everything within her power for her brother but in ways that might not be obvious to him...... This, she said, was why her brother might have gotten the impression that she was negligent in protecting him.

The Prince also forbade Madame Chŏng to leave the palace for the Chŏng residence, fearing that something might happen to him during her absence. If she did, he threatened, “You won’t see me again.”
思悼世子還禁止和緩公主出宮去夫家,擔心她不在期間他會發生什麼事。 如果她敢離開,他威脅道:“妳就不會再見到我了。”

Prince Sado summoned his sister. Grabbing the sword with his hand, he threatened her, “If anything happens to me, I will kill you with this sword.”

The Princess pleaded with him in tears, “I promise I will do anything Your Highness wishes from now on. Please spare my life.” Prince Sado said, “I feel so constrained staying in the palace all the time. How about letting me take a trip to Onyang? You know that my legs are in bad condition from skin disease. Get Father’s permission for my trip!” “As you wish,” the Princess promised.
和緩公主流著淚滿懇求他:“我保證,從今以後,殿下想要什麼我就做什麼。請饒我一命。” 思悼世子說:“一直待在王宮裏,我感到很壓抑。 讓我去溫陽旅遊如何? 妳知道我的腿因皮膚病而狀況不佳。讓父王的同意我去旅行!” “如你所願。”公主答應道。
(讀到As u wish…這段關係誰是真正的強勢者其實明顯了點)

the Prince summoned Princess Hwawan and told her in a confidential manner that his illness was caused by a deep injury. Terror-stricken, the Princess responded sympathetically. She spoke of how sad it was and, to my horror, said some very disrespectful things about His Majesty. That was something I could not do.

Now the Prince, often attended by Princess Hwawan, held frequent parties at either T’ongmyŏng Pavilion or in the rear garden of Ch’angdŏk Palace.思悼世子經常舉行宴會,和緩公主也經常參加。

At about this time, the Prince wrote to Princess Hwawan complaining that she was not doing much for him. Several passages and the language he used were so terrible that one could not bear to look at them. 思悼世子寫信給和緩公主抱怨她都沒爲他做什麼。有幾段話,他用的言語,實在是讓人不忍直視。


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  • WHO'S? WHO?子瑜太好笑了 被冷到流鼻涕还说不冷; 小狗拉便便说狗太暖了吧拉了个心形的瑜最不赖床; 纱睡得最晚小南被指控玩游戏这里太可爱了啊啊啊啊啊啊
  • 意料之外的好闻,有点惊喜,对得起这个名字相比之下,烟波画船实在不太行今年入了好多香水小样,也入过正装,也试过香薰蜡烛,打算再试一下燃香三宅一生的一生之水女士香水
  • 过去和未来其实都是不真实的,过去的事已成定局,我们思考再多也无济于事,未来的事还没有到来,对于未来的幻想,无非是自己的臆想罢了。你的过去,是过去之前的那些当下造
  • 我不是小气的人,只要过来的人,我都会亲手给他们做一份饭,厨房里有什么就做什么,但是保证有菜有肉,这只是举手之劳,我只是在自己的能力范围内,做点小事帮助需要帮助的
  • 我饰演岛田,所在部门很有趣,把百姓变成武士队伍。北新泾,淞虹路二号线,精装,采光贼好,可女生合租,真实房源,家具全配. 租客要求:白领单身者优先考虑!
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  • !!
  • !!
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