印加古道 day 3下

图3-9的遗址叫Wiñay Wayna. 就在营地旁边。这天的营地居然有shower facility! 尽管是冷水,但是足够惊喜了。
Wiñay Wayna翻译成英文叫做Forever young,是这几天看到的规模最大的一处印加遗址。上下两层村落被大片梯田包围。同Intipata一样,也是培育作物的苗圃。秘鲁山区的垂直植被多样性我讲课时就经常讲到,这样大规模的梯田苗圃,真是绝佳地利用了微环境,大概也是印加文明从从游牧到农耕转折的关键所在。


Our ultimate dwelling is elsewhere. We are fundamentally homeless. —Yi-fu Tuan https://t.cn/Rp7nEgN


What was the best movie prop you’ve gotten to take home?
On Anthropoid, actually, I took home one of the beautiful old Persian rugs that was in the apartment set. Maybe it’s Moroccan . . . Whatever it is, it’s lovely.

You’ve said that Sean Ellis was the most visually specific director you’ve ever worked with. Did that help you as an actor?
It was very stimulating, really, because he was shooting with a handheld camera over his shoulder, so he would talk to you and then go back in. Everything that Jamie and I went though, Sean was right there behind us, even for the battle at the end of the movie in the crypt. There was a sense that we were all in it together.

The family apartment where you and Jamie Dornan are hidden in the movie was replicated, down to the hallway tile, from the real location. Sean pays a huge amount of attention to detail. He’s like a polymath. He wrote the movie, directed it, shot it, and was all over everything from costume to hair to makeup. You feel safe as an actor. And, as an actor, if you can’t feel safe, you can’t make a fool of yourself.

The way they re-created the interior of the cathedral is unbelievable. Had you ever been on a set that was remade so perfectly?
No. We went to the real church, too, and you could see the bullet holes and where the grenades went off. And the re-creation, to scale, at Barrandov Studios was breathtaking. It was magnificent, and I’ve never seen that done before—generally, a crew might rebuild a little bit here and a little bit there, but to feel the scale of it was incredible.

Aside from this film, what was the best-designed set you’ve ever worked on?
I remember my first day on the set of Inception with Christopher Nolan. There was a scene with Leonardo DiCaprio and we’re at a bar, and I don’t know that I’m dreaming, but I’m dreaming, and reality is altered. We have two glasses of water, and there’s a shot where the water tilts. In order to get that shot, he tilted the whole set. He built the set on hydraulics and tilted it when we did the scene. So I think that’s one of the most impressive. He’s a very unique filmmaker in that he doesn’t rely on CGI.

Did you get any time to enjoy Prague?
I’d been there once before in my foolish, misspent youth and drank a lot of beer. But when you’re working on a film as immersive as this, you kind of have to cancel reality. My family came over and they enjoyed it, but for me it was pretty much work exclusively.

When you travel for work, do you mostly stay in hotels?
I generally prefer apartments because you can cook for yourself. But as long as it’s clean and there’s hot water and Wi-Fi, I’m happy.


3.17 逸叁地下文工团聚会9.0歌单
Fake Factor-Devil ANTHEM
WE GO!-Wi Sugar(Feat.EsH乐队)
JUST MY ジンセイ-ネコプラpixx.
Hyper Nova-INUWASI
Dream Stand By!-Wi Sugar

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