#欧洲女神# 塞尔维亚艳丽歌姬 Višnja Petrović 舞台歌唱情非得以愤恨旋律同名全新专辑新单 Rezistentna(抗拒)

Vrlo rezistentna sam na ljubav postala
To zapišite, tu pored moje dijagnoze,
I oprostite,
malo mi se žuri, ne bih vas zadržavala
Idem čeka me, on čeka da me ne pozove.

Problem u najavi kako ću sebi da to
Objasnim stoti put, nisam pametna
Da l’ da plačem il izađem napolje sad
Pa da izgrmi grad.

slaviće se, do pet, to što ne javlja se
To što ne javlja se,
Muški slaviće se
Noćas isti smo svi, svi oni nepozvani
Al’ uvek snađemo se.

Vrlo rezistentna na muškarce postala
To zapišite u moju otpusnu listu i oprostite
Malo mi se žuri, ne bih vas zadržavala
Idem kući da čekam da ne pojavi se opet.

Problem u najavi kako ću sebi da to
Objasnim stoti put, nisam pametna
Da l’ da plačem il’ izađem napolje sad
Pa da izgrmi grad.

slaviće se, do pet, to što ne javlja se
To što ne javlja se,
Muški slaviće se
Noćas isti smo svi, svi oni nepozvani
Al’ uvek snađemo se

【国防部:“台独”分裂活动越猖獗,和平解决的可能性就越消减Ministry of National Defense: the More Rampant “Taiwan Independence” Separatist Activities, the Smaller Possibilities of Peaceful Reunification】#“台独”分裂活动越猖獗和平解决的可能性就越消减##国防部邀你看记者会#



Question: This year’s Report on the Work of the Government emphasized that “we will be firm in advancing the cause of China’s reunification”, and omitted the term “peaceful reunification” when talking about the Taiwan question. Some analysts said that the terms for the Taiwan question in the report are more concise than before, but this does not mean that the mainland will scale down operations targeting Taiwan. Instead, this implies that going forward, more will surely be done than said by the Chinese mainland. What’s your comment?


Wu Qian: Peaceful reunification and One Country, Two Systems are our basic principles for resolving the Taiwan question and the best approach to realizing national reunification. We are willing to strive for the prospect of peaceful reunification with greatest sincerity and utmost efforts, but we will never allow Taiwan to be separated from the motherland. I want to emphasize that the 1992 consensus which embodies the one-China principle is what underpins peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. Achieving the complete reunification of China is the right thing to do. It represents the prevailing trend of the world and has the overwhelming support of the international community.


The PLA always speaks with actions and remains resolute and professional in fighting against “Taiwan Independence” forces and pursuing reunification. We warn the DPP authorities that the more rampant “Taiwan Independence” separatist activities, the smaller possibilities of peaceful reunification. The PLA will continue to strengthen military training and enhance combat readiness, and safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity with rock-solid resolve and strong capability.



Question: This year’s Report on the Work of the Government emphasized that “we will be firm in advancing the cause of China’s reunification”, and omitted the term “peaceful reunification” when talking about the Taiwan question. Some analysts said that the terms for the Taiwan question in the report are more concise than before, but this does not mean that the mainland will scale down operations targeting Taiwan. Instead, this implies that going forward, more will surely be done than said by the Chinese mainland. What’s your comment?


Wu Qian: Peaceful reunification and One Country, Two Systems are our basic principles for resolving the Taiwan question and the best approach to realizing national reunification. We are willing to strive for the prospect of peaceful reunification with greatest sincerity and utmost efforts, but we will never allow Taiwan to be separated from the motherland. I want to emphasize that the 1992 consensus which embodies the one-China principle is what underpins peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. Achieving the complete reunification of China is the right thing to do. It represents the prevailing trend of the world and has the overwhelming support of the international community.


The PLA always speaks with actions and remains resolute and professional in fighting against “Taiwan Independence” forces and pursuing reunification. We warn the DPP authorities that the more rampant “Taiwan Independence” separatist activities, the smaller possibilities of peaceful reunification. The PLA will continue to strengthen military training and enhance combat readiness, and safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity with rock-solid resolve and strong capability.(国防部网)

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