温度计 型号:N15-TES-1304A库号:M386922
谢经理 18910282272

打印式-200~1333℃,Type K、J、E、T可选,±0.01%+0.5℃
4 1/2位液晶显示
Type K: -200~1333℃ (-328~2431℉)
Type J : -200~760℃ (-328~1400℉)
Type E: -200~705.3℃ (-328~1301℉)
Type T: -200~400℃ (-328~752℉)
Type K: ±(0.01%rdg+0.5℃) (0~1333℃/32~2431℉)
Type J : ±(0.01%rdg+0.5℃) (0~760℃/32~1400℉)
Type E: ±(0.01%rdg+0.5℃) (0~705.3℃/32~1301℉)
Type T: ±(0.01%rdg+0.5℃) (0~400℃/32~752℉)
Type K/J/E/T: ±(0.5%rdg+1.4℃) (-200~0℃/-328~32℉)
0.1℃ / 0.2℉
1sec / 1time
6pcs size AAA Alkaline Battery
About 50 hours not including printer
约 365g (含电池)

The key reason why Bosideng can counterattack in adversity lies in its continuous pursuit of product quality and innovative design. In recent years, Bosideng has increased its investment in research and development and launched a series of down jacket products with high-tech content and fashionable design. These products not only have excellent thermal performance, but also integrate innovative elements such as lightweight, comfort and environmental protection, satisfying modern consumers' pursuit of high-quality life. For example, Bosideng adopts advanced down grading technology to ensure the purity and warmth of the down, and combines the principle of ergonomics to design a tailoring that is more in line with the curve of the human body. These innovative designs make Bosiden's products have a better wearing experience and fashion sense, and have won the favor of consumers.

In addition to the quality and design of the product, Bosideng also pays attention to the control of details and the improvement of process. In the production process, the company strictly controls the selection of raw materials to ensure the quality and source of down. At the same time, Bosideng also adopts modern production equipment and strict production management to ensure product consistency and quality stability. The introduction of these quality improvements and innovative designs makes Bosideng's products highly competitive in the market and brings opportunities for the company to grow. Facing the challenge of reducing the number of physical stores, Bosideng actively expands online sales channels to reduce operating costs and improve sales efficiency. Bosideng has increased its investment in e-commerce platforms and used Internet technology to improve sales efficiency. Through online channels, the company can better reach consumers, provide a more convenient shopping experience, and reduce the cost of intermediate links and reduce operating costs.

In order to improve the effect of online sales, Bosideng has also increased its investment in user experience. By building a perfect online shopping platform, the company provides a variety of payment methods, fast logistics distribution and thoughtful after-sales service, which enhances the shopping experience and loyalty of users. In addition, Bosideng also uses big data and artificial intelligence technology to analyze user needs, accurately recommend products, and improve the sales conversion rate. All these measures have enabled Bosideng to maintain a competitive advantage in online sales and maintain its profitability.

Brand marketing: to enhance popularity and win market share. In the face of fierce market competition, Bosideng actively strengthens brand marketing and enhances brand influence. The company cooperates with celebrities, Internet celebrities and other influential people, and effectively enhances the brand's popularity and reputation through endorsement and promotion. These cooperations can attract more consumers' attention and recognition, thus prompting them to buy Bosideng's products.

Lively, cheerful, lovely.. As I am about to enter the age of 20, these words are just right for me. Even if I enter the society and the workplace, I can still live out my own color.
"E-Land" is the first brand of Korean E-Land Company. It takes young men and women over 20 years old as its appeal object, pursues the leisure sports dress style of American university campus, and fully demonstrates the lively, sporty and healthy spiritual outlook of contemporary youth. E-Love was born in 1981 and has become a classic dress in four seasons. The brand name is taken from the Chinese "reluctant to part" and "attachment". When I first came into contact with it, its trademark design and its packaging made me think that it was a British brand, or at least a European brand. But these are not the main thing, it works well, every detail is well paid attention to, the price is moderate, to meet our petty bourgeoisie mood, excellent texture, and people feel more comfortable. I have since become a loyal customer of ELAND.❤️
The brand is designed around four themes: campus, sports, camping and leisure, which consistently reflects the "New England" campus culture and concept. The customers of E. LAND brand are young, bright, confident, lively and highly educated, and fully experience the challenging spirit and rich and colorful life culture of American young people.

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